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Angelic rituals to bring X result

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:36 pm
by Vrischika
There's never enough threads so here's one more. :D


I've been experimenting with straightforward GD-style ritual that has worked great so far.

First I check out astrological data keeping in mind what planet (and sephira) the working falls in (if there's anything blatantly obviously wrong in the chart I choose another time).

At the correct day and hour, when moon is either waxing or waning, whatever is more proper (and in a suitable sign if possible), I do the following:

In a temple (my living room...) which is decorated according to the working, if possible (corresponding candles, incense, colored electric lamp etc.):

LBRP and LBRH holding white end and using black end of Lotus Wand.
Greater Invoking Hexagram ritual of the planet using a band that corresponds with it (Aries for Mars, etc.).

Next, while facing the direction where the planet is at the sky, I say a qabalistic invocation (as many times as is proper, i.e. Saturn's number is 3, so I say it thrice, for Moon, 9 times, etc.) that I have already written and printed. I have used the Venus one in Lon's Chicken Qabalah as a basis so far. All ya need to do is use some poetic sense and the chart (link: to make a similar one for any purpose.

Here it is for reference:

O Lord of Hosts, Jehovah Tzabaoth,
You know the dreams of fools.
Thee I invoke to hear my oath,
In Nogah where venus rules.

O Haniel, Great Archangel,
Glory of God thou art,
Send Anael, love's bold Angel
to touch sweet Tina's heart.

Come Hagiel! Come Hagiel!
In Anael's name, obey!
Compel Kedemel to do my will.
Tina love me night and day!

After that I thank the forces and proclaim that "as I say, so be it", I use Greater Banishing Hexagram Ritual of the same planet, and banish the temple, ending with license to depart (generic one in case any spirits have been trapped by the ceremony; like that in Watchtower ceremony).

I've never tried it without Lotus Wand but I guess that's ok too.


If your need can be placed under one of the four elements, another angelic ritual that's simple to do without having to hassle with sigils or talismans is as simple as doing the LIRP, then greeting the proper quarter with grade sign of the Element, and stating one's petition to the archangel. Close with thanks and LBRP.


Does anyone got any other simple rituals (that use Angelic powers) to share? It would be cool to learn more techniques such as these which I've used so far with success.

Thanks for reading... :)

(Edit: Updated chart image, which was fux0red. Sorry bout that. :lol: )