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Post#1 » Tue Mar 21, 2023 1:39 am


First Course

Copyright C 1967 by Edward C. Peach All rights reserved. No part of this course of lessons, in part or in whole, may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any other information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the holder of these rights, except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address the publisher.

Lesson Seven


Dear Student,

Here is Lesson Seven in your First Correspondence Course in the Foundations of Occult Knowledge. You have now completed one/fourth of the first course. In the Practices prescribed in this lesson, you are again called upon to make a drawing of the TREE OF LIFE, and asked again to meditate upon the metaphysical process described in this lesson. More and more you should realise that the study of the Occult is much more than merely reading some books and lessons. We have already said it several times, and we are going to be saying it many more times, the real study and work in Occultism depends upon your DOING the things called for in the lessons. Don't neglect these Practices, and don't just do them "in passing", but put a great deal of effort and attention into them. This is important.

But now you should also begin to see how what you are learning in your Occult Studies could be applied to your daily life and you should begin to make this application as you begin to see how it can be done. You should begin to "think" Occult! That is, you should make your Occult Knowledge part of the way you see the world, and the way you see yourself. As you learn to THINK OCCULT you will find that you experience a much greater reality than ever anticipated. It is like putting on a new pair of eyeglasses - suddenly you see more, and you see more clearly.

Another thing you should note. Occultism does not tell you how you should act. It does not give you sets of rules or commandments but, as you begin to see things differently, as you THINK OCCULT, you will begin to make your own determinations of how YOU should act, and what YOU should do in given circumstances. Occultism places the responsibility for your life right in your own shoulders. But it also shows that you have the POWER to make your own life what you want it to be, ‘Power and Responsibility,’ always go hand-in-hand, in Occultism as in all things.




A few Teachers and a few Schools do have material on this subject of THE TREE OF LIFE. Some of this material is valuable, but much of it is worthless when it comes to "What the heck can we do with it, or use it for after we learn the Knowledge part?" (!!!) In this Course, after you learn as much of the Knowledge as I have available, I will give you all the PRACTICES I have. The reason I can do this is that I have received the Working Knowledge direct, while "they" received it through some Occult Lodge they joined under oaths of secrecy - and therefore they are forever barred from giving you anything, and much of what they received in the first place was not of too much value because of a lack of the BASIC KNOWLEDGE, which Basic Knowledge you are now getting. Get out your drawing materials and make another "Tree" diagram.

Make it in pencil first and then ink it in (for some of this work you can make free hand drawings, but always end up with a good inked drawing.) Now look at this diagram, you cannot help but notice that the diagram consists of ‘triads,’ triangles. ‘Three,’ of them. You cannot help but notice that the first triangle has the "point" upward, while the other, ‘Two triangles,’ have the point downward.

There is still another kind of a triangle on the last circle, at the bottom of the Tree. This circle is divided, as shown on the inside covers of my book, ‘THE ART AND PRACTICE OF ASTRAL PROJECTION,’ as if with an "X". (Draw a free hand circle and put an "X" in it as in the diagram. The reason for this will be explained later, but get used to the idea now.) You have been making 10 circles in and on a certain kind of diagram. I will not give you the basic name for these circles. Each single circle alone is called a ‘Sephirah,’ and the whole ‘Ten’ of them altogether are called the, ‘Sephiroth.’ The word "Sephirah" means Emanate, from the Latin ‘Emanare,’ meaning "e" = ‘out’ and "manare" = ‘to flow,’ hence to "flow out", to "emanate.' These, ‘Ten Sephiroth,’ on the diagram of the Tree you have ‘made’ is a symbolic representation of the Physical Cosmic Universe!

Everything in our Physical Cosmos can be classified and filed away in and/or on these 10 pattern/filing cases! This, ‘10-circle pattern,’ is the/a Physical Cosmos symbol. And now we had better go into another subject, which is, ‘Just what is the Physical Universe?’ (This is the most difficult subject I ever tried to explain! I will make a start here, and then add/refer to it many times later on.) First (of all) let us start in a simple way. Let us say, for example, that you are sitting at the kitchen table and looking at the, ‘saltshaker.’ Now, in reality, just what are you doing? A ‘saltshaker,’ that is sitting there on the table and you "looking" "at" "it?" The answer is ‘NO!’ You are not, “Looking at" a saltshaker sitting "there" "on the table". Rather, YOU ARE ‘CREATING?’ BY YOUR DIVINE POWERS, THAT, ‘SALTSHAKER’ ON THE TABLE!!!!

This requires some explaining, and will take up the rest of your incarnations for a long time. But you can make a start in "doing" as soon as you understand some of the Knowledge part. Again let us ask: "What happens physically when you sit at a tale and look at a saltshaker sitting there?" I should say "physiologically" speaking. Well to start at the beginning, you look. Your eyes look at the saltshaker and what happens is the, ‘LIGHT,’ reflected from the salt shaker object, enters the cornea of the eye and hits the back of the eyeball, where it is changed into an electrical current which travels along a nerve, as an electrical impulse, to a portion of the brain in which memory images are "stored." Arriving at the memory library point the electrical impulse sets off, or activates, the stored up memory images of saltshakers and identifies the object on the table as such. Now, this I say, is ‘physiologically speaking,’ is what happens.

But what happens, metaphysically speaking? (It will be hard for you to grasp because it is so different from our usual material conception of how things are.) YOU DO NOT "SEW A SALT SHAKER "THERE" in the "first place". YOU SEE, ORIGINALLY, PHYSICALLY INVISIBLE EMANATIONS, COMING FROM A METAPHYSICAL OBJECT WHICH RESEMBLES A ‘BASIC PRIMAL ARCHETYPAL IDEA’ "IMAGE", AND WHICH ORIGINALLY INVISIBLE EMANATIONS YOU CHANGE, BY YOUR NATURAL MAGICAL POWERS, IN, INTO On this case) THE SALTSHAKER!!!

It therefore follows that everything material around, and about, you, ‘YOU CREATED!!’ and, ‘ARE CREATING CONTINUALLY, AND SUSTAINING, CONTINUALLY!!!!’ This is quite a radical conception, departure, from the usually accepted idea of the physical Universe. This idea followed out can make a great difference in your life. Somewhere along the path of the above outlined process you should be able to "interfere" and change things about to suit your new power ideas. In one of the few magical books of any value that I have found (you don't need t now, so don't ask about it) this "oval space of self creation" surrounding us is called the "Magic Mirror of the Universe." Now, “THE ABOVE PROCESS IS EMBODIED IN THE DIAGRAM OF THE TREE OF LIFE,” which you are now, making freely, the connections will be made in the following lessons. Make your TREE OF LIFE diagram. I do not know how much "occult" you now know and possess, and therefore some the, these words-materials you are going to put on your chart may be strange to you now.

However, putt down and you will grow into the Knowledge of it as we go along with the lessons. This is often the way with learning the Occult. And just because we include an illustration of the diagram with this lesson don't think you don't have to make your own drawing and think it out just as if you didn't have a sample. As we have said before, there is an inner learning process going on as you do the practices as instructed n these lessons. In this case, think of the illustration that we include with the lesson as if it were a diagram drawn on a blackboard in a class room, and you are told to make your own diagram in your note book.

Now, as instructed in Lesson Six, starting from the top of the chart label the first "plane" section "1" Next one down "2" The next one down "3" And the last space "4." Better make all these in pencil so you can erase them and make better marks in ink when you have mastered this idea behind this phase of the work. Now do try to make good drawings, as much of your future success in magical work depends on your own work. The first material to put on the chart is the elemental symbol for the number 1 top section-plane. You place t where you feel it belongs. The symbol that you will place there will be the circle of AIR. Do not make it larger than approximately 112 inch across. If you can't decide of yourself an exact place for the AIR symbol, then I suggest you place it in the centre of the space to the right of the three Sephiroth. You do this because this is the plane that AIR "rules."

Next you drop "down" to the plane below the top one, the plane labelled "2". Here, in the same location, make the symbol of that plane, a triangle, the symbol of FIRE. Now come down to the next plane, the one labelled "3", and in the same general location draw the half Moon symbol of WATER. And then come down to the last plane and in the same general spot draw the symbol of the EARTH plane, a square. In the next lesson you will learn something about Y.HV.H. or YOD-HEH-VAV-HEH. So put them down on your chart this time. Just to the right of the right upper Sephirah and above near the top write the Y, which stands for Yod. In about the same spot in No. 2 lane write H for Heh. And there in No. 3 plane write V for Vav. And in about the same place in the No. 4 plane write the second H, which stands for the final Heh, and put a dot beneath it.



Why is it that Ophiel is able, through these lessons and in his other writings, to give out real Working Knowledge of the Occult while other teachers and schools seemingly can only hint at the "great Truths", etc.?

What is the name of each of the circles on the Tree of Life?

What is the name for all the circles together?

Describe, in your own words, what happens metaphysically when you look at a physical object.

What do you think Magic is, after studying this lesson?

Save your answers until asked for them. PRACTICES

Make the drawing of the TREE OF LIFE as instructed. Sit down, and look at a saltshaker or some other simple physical object, and think about the metaphysical process as you have learned it in this lesson.

1Think about how this new Knowledge can affect your life, and write a note to yourself about how you can now take a more positive approach to life.


THE MYSTICAL QABALH, by Dion Fortune. One of the best books on the subject! Explains the system of the Qabalah and the use of the Tree of Life as a meditation symbol transmitting the Western Occult Tradition. One of the particular values of this book is in answering the question of why this method of Occult Knowledge and Work is most suitable to the Western temperament. ‘THE MYSTICAL QABALAH,’ is a complete text and reference work, and should be one of the most important books in your occult library, and one to which you will be able to refer throughout all your occult studies. This is a book for actual use, rather than for mere reading, as are the many other books dealing with the, ‘Kabbalah,’ as an occult curiosity or abstruse subject. Cloth bound, illus. 306 pp.

‘THE ROMANCE OF METAPHYSICS,’ by Israel Regardie. One of this century's great occult writers examines the history, theory and psychology, of some of this century's main metaphysical movements, and shows how that they are all related in a common, ‘unity,’ of practical application in the achievement of physical, emotional, and mental health and vitality. Cloth bound, 288 pp.



First Course

Copyright C 1967 by Edward C. Peach All rights reserved. No part of this course of lessons, in part or in whole, may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any other information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the holder of these rights, except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address the publisher.

Lesson Eight


Dear Student,

Here is Lesson Eight in your First Correspondence Course in the Foundations of Occult Knowledge. In this lesson you will learn something "practical" in the way of the application of an Occult Formula. Now, you certainly should know by now that there is nothing "magical" (In the ‘Sense’ of ‘Being Easy.’) in the practice of MAGIC, or the application of Occult Knowledge.

On the other hand, it is a tool that augments ordinary work and increases the certainty of bringing success to your efforts. As such, it would be foolish not to employ MAGICAL TECHNIQUES to make your ordinary work more productive and successful. For most of us, merely reading about this Formula will not mean that we will automatically get everything we desire, and the best way to do this is to put the formula to work, and studying what you do and how it works.

As the practice prescribed in this lesson, we have requested that you do just this and we want you to keep on doing it, and recording each step as you do it and how the formula works in each case. Do this, and study the record (or "Magical Diary") you make, for you will learn from studying the working out of the process. In your next lesson you will be called upon to use your paints again and your 4" x 4" cards, so check your drawing and pain supplies now.




As I continue writing out these lessons I am struck by a peculiar fact that I seem to be teaching in a certain manner, and that manner is: I lay out a series of Occult Knowledge facts; Then later I follow these first lay-outs with additional facts; And then later I still further expand these basic facts and the additions. This procedure seems to be my modus operandi of teaching the Occult. I seems I can only proceed by additions and/or expansions of the basic-basics of Occult Knowledge. I tell you this because this manner of presenting these lessons seems to be almost beyond my control.

So be aware that there is always more coming that every bit of Occult Knowledge presented here will be later expanded and added to and later you too will learn to add to the treasury of the Occult. Therefore we will return again to the concept of the Four Elemental Forces which make up the Physical Cosmos we are all so familiar with and, then again, which we know so little of, really. As aforesaid, the word Elemental means BASIC (note how the word basic appears in these lessons over and over again) first, a material things (or, in a sense, a fact.) Which is "final" and cannot be divided any further. In this sense we are dealing with, and attempting to develop a concept - a concept of a material cosmos "becoming" out of a non/physical material Cosmos.

You might (and possibly not be too far wrong) even think of this change/becoming as a "turning inside-out" of a non-physical "world" "into" a "physical world"!!! (Remember this is a first basic course, and much additional material, and expansions, will have to be handled later in other courses.) Some of this material has been given in previous books and lessons of mine. If you have had some of this material before, don't skip over this presentation here, and if you run into it again in another book or course, do not skip that either, as each presentation will be different, either more or less advanced, and each will help you see a little different facet of that which is being presented to you. I'll try to cram into these lessons all the knowledge-material you can possibly use for the present time.

Grasp all you can for now and read-study it over and over until you have absorbed it fully. Then when you are ready for more, and for more advanced work, it will be ready for you. (At this point refer back to Lesson Seven and what was said about the "Magic Mirror")I am going to say it again, and I want you to ponder it: “YOU CREATE YOUR PHYSICAL UNIVERSE!!” Your self!! By your own Magical Powers!! Now, of course, a statement like this brings up endless protestations and denials. All kinds of paradoxes can be brought up as evidence that the statement is not true.

BUT TRUE IT IS, although I cannot prove it to you. You must prove it to yourself, by using it, and you use it by acting as if it were true, and then following the results. And this statement itself is well worth pondering, for it contains a great deal of wisdom. Your natural question at this point is: Well, if what you say is true, just HOW is my Physical Universe created or just HOW do I create it? The answers are: “YOU CREATE YOUR PHYSICAL COSMOS THROUGH YOUR USE OF THE BASIS FORCES,” known as the, “ELEMENTAL FORCES.”

You are going to be hearing more about these ‘Elemental Forces,’ from now on, and, in fact, that is all you are going to hear because, “THESE ELEMENTAL FORCES ARE ALL THERE IS, THERE IS NOTHING ELSE IN ANY PART OF THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE.” (NOTE, THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE ONLY, NOT ANY OTHER.)

Many different people have called the knowledge embodied in the above statements, in many different times and many different places. This knowledge has been called, ‘The Philosopher's Stone,’ ‘A Magick Wand,’ ‘The Law,’ ‘Jehovah,’ ‘Eldorado’ and all those other, ‘things,’ which mean a wonderful happy place or condition.

The little, as yet incomplete, table you started to make in Lesson Six will contain all the secrets of the Physical Universe and also, by implication, how to gain them! YOD, HEH, VAV, HEH is pronounced JEHOVA. It is not a word, but a formula, the formula of the Physical Universe! This word is translated as ‘LORD’ in the Bible. The absolute correct translation should be, ‘LAW’ or ‘The Law,’ as that is distinctly what it is, a "Law" and also "The Law of all Laws." Those of you who read the Bible, especially the Old Testament, will remember how Moses was given the "Law" in the desert.

It is popularly supposed that the "Law" given to him was the Ten Commandments, and this is what the world was supposed to ‘think,’ as thus, real attention was diverted from the real secret recorded therein, the secret you are about to be given. I will first tell/explain the matter in a very easy manner and then elaborate as fully as I can in later lessons. The "secret," as I said, is in the four (sacred) letters, which constitute a formula, ‘A Formula of Action/Creation.’ (Look again at your chart.) The Formula works this way.

The letter YOD stands for Air, whose symbol is a Sword. The essence of Air is MOVE-ABILITY. A sword is certainly something that is moveable. In applying this formula to yourself it goes as follows: "YOU", you in your capacity as a free agent, decide to desire something, a thing. Your decision arouses the/an Emotion of Desire. E-MOTION IS A MOVEMENT - thus the first state/condition if the letter YOD is fulfilled.

Now "YOU" continue the Air action of Desire and "EXPAND" the desire into an image of the Thing (or state) desired. Thus, you fulfil the condition governed by the second letter HEH (Hay). The letter HEH itself means "WINDOW" (wind-door). It does not take too much thought to see that you can look out of a window (wind-door - "wind" "desire" "air") and see something, an - image - you want. And to look "into" your mind, as through a wind-door and see a mental image of something you want-desire, thus, the two actions are somewhat exactly alike, only one is physical and the other is, of course, mental.

So by the action of connecting your ability to move, YOU DO SO, with the image of a thing, YOU EXPAND IT, to this state, you fulfil the conditions of the second letter in the Formula. (You will find this easier to follow if you draw a new chart as you go along.) Now that you have fulfilled the first two parts of the "Law." The next natural thing to do is to "UNITE" the Image of a thing by bringing it "down" to Earth by doing a number of other actions such as "seeing" and "feeling" as real, "REAL," the heretofore "Image" (Any mental image.) The name of the next letter in the Formula is VAV and this letter means "NAIL". Do I have to tell you the obvious connection between the VAV, nail, and the "action" you do when you "fasten" the two together? You see it, don't you? (Look at your chart.)

You have fulfilled the first three parts of the Law. The action covered by the last letter hen happens, and happens as a result of the first three actions. Every action in and on the Physical Plane happens according to this Formula. This last letter is another HEH with a dot in it which dot then signifies the solidity of the previous mental image. At this point a great deal of misunderstanding arises. While the above Formula is absolutely true the most common sense should tell you that you could not work the Formula, ‘EVERY TIME ON EVERY THING,’ there are a million other factors, which also operate here and unless all of them are in one straight line at once, the Formula will not work instantly. NOW, ‘ADD TO YOUR CHART,’ the Four Quarters: Top Line - East, 2nd line - South, 3rd line - West, and 4th line - North.

Also add the, Four Winds:

The East Wind is Eurus,
The South Wind is Notus,
The West Wind is Zephyros,
The North Wind is Boreas.

Try to keep these in mind, as you will use them later. Boreas is the most important to us, as you will see later. Your Chart, which has been growing since we started it in Lesson Six, will now contain, besides the "Tree of Life" a basic elemental symbol for each of the four planes - YOD-HEH-VAV-HEH. Also, you added the, ‘Four Winds,’ in this lesson and their direction/quarters. These Winds represent the singular "Forces" to their respective Quarters. They are the vehicles, which carry out the, ‘Powers of Expression,’ of the Four Quarters, which ex-press-ion, constitutes the/YOUR PHYSICAL WORLD.

I wish I could give you this knowledge in someway that I could force you to ‘grasp it,’ with your, ‘mind,’ but I just don/t see any other way than going over it again and again in a different way each time. You are going to add some more symbols to your chart, and in may cases these symbols will mean the same thing, only with a shade of difference each time a new symbol is presented. For example, the name of the East "Wind" is EURUS. As I said, "he" is the carrier of the ‘Powers of the Quarter,’ of the East (Not of the, ‘Physical Direction,’ East, get that conception, correct once and for all. The reason that you are learning about this is so that you will know him and ‘LEARN TO CONTACT HIM,’ through your powers of imagination. You will be given a ritual. The object of this ritual will be to develop the Powers of your Imagination along Occult lines.

Ordinarily you contact an Occult Force by visualising the accepted Occult form/pattern of the Force. In the case of the, ‘East Wind,’ I find that not many images in Greek art are available for him, and the same is true for the South Wind. It is only when we come to the West Wind, ‘ZEPHYRAS,’ and the North Wind, ‘BOREAS,’ that we find some images in Greek sculpture for these two Force bearers. Why is this? You should recall that I told you AIR was the "thinnest" of the Elemental Forces and EARTH the "thickest." The ancient Greeks had this Knowledge and dropped a, ‘Fat Juicy Hint,’ when they portrayed the, ‘West Wind’ and the, ‘North Wind,’ rather ‘Abundantly’ but the other’ Two Winds,’ hardly at all.

Therefore in your work in the Ritual you will "Feel" the, ‘East Wind,’ in fact you will "feel" all the, ‘Winds’ and not bother with the ‘Images,’ of the Winds at all. We will make one more addition here at this time. In the upper first section write the word AIR near the East - Eurus. In the second section write the word FIRE near the South - Notus. In the third section write the word WATER near the West - Zephyras; and in the last section write the word EARTH near the North - Boreas. All this is done in pencil on your chart so far, and if you want to later change the positions of a symbol just erase it and do it. I want you to make a strong effort to develop your own ideas about your chart.



Define, in your own words, the occult meaning of the word ELEMENTAL FORCE.

What is The Philosopher's Stone?

Describe your reaction to the statements in this lesson: YOU CREATE YOUR PHYSICAL UNIVERSE! Yourself)! By your own Magical Powers!


5. What are the, ‘Four WINDS?’ (Not just their names?) Save your answers until asked for them

Add to your chart the material given in this lesson.
Apply the, ‘FORMULA OF ACTION/CREATION,’ as given in this lesson toward the ‘Realisation’ of a ‘Specific Desire,’ you have and write out each step of the, ‘Formula’ in terms of the specific, ‘Thing,’ you want.



First Course

Copyright C 1967 by Edward C. Peach All rights reserved. No part of this course of lessons, in part or in whole, may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any other information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the holder of these rights, except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address the publisher.

Lesson Nine


Dear Student,

Here is Lesson-Nine in your First Correspondence Course in the Foundations of Occult Knowledge. In this lesson you will learn more about your Powers of Creation, and how it is that you gain control over your own life. But, you also learn that it is important to work in harmony with the Universal Forces - and so you are given information about the PLANETARY HOURS, which is part of the background of practical astrology you are building.

You are also given some preliminary information about the TAROT CARDS and about CONTROLLED BREATHING. As you have found throughout this course, these bits of preliminary information will be later followed up with more information, and then with still more intensive data. In the meantime, your continued study and work with Symbols and the Analysis of various physical data into the connection with the Tattvas will prepare you for this later study and work.

In the next lesson you will learn more about how the Tattvas combine together in making up the Physical Cosmos, so pay particular attention to the preliminary information about this given in this lesson. And you will soon be starting some very important work involving these combinations, so this would also be a good time to review the earlier lessons.




In the last lesson I gave you some knowledge about the GREAT LAW and a rather sketchy illustration of how it worked. I have written a book describing the workings of this Law in greater detail and to the best of my ability to get it down on paper. In this book, THE ART AND PRACTICE OF GETTING MATERIAL THINGS THROUGH CREATIVE VISUALISATION, I confined myself to the phase of the Law pertaining to the acquiring of necessary material things to live a successful life. I wrote this book for a single purpose of helping people who need material help.

Make up in your own handwriting a chart like the one in this lesson. (You will transfer this information to your own chart later, so make it up like this example for now). Note the differences and additions. The columns listing the senses are the most important in this cart. It is through These senses that you create the/your Physical Cosmos; as said before, the process is a terribly complicated one but it is true nevertheless, and by studying these now you are starting to learn their mastery.

As I have already said, we can never, as human beings, learn all the million processes embodied in the Life Process - the Life Process in which we each create the Physical Cosmos by our own magic powers. But, we can attain a degree of FEELING for this Process and even, in time, obtain a degree of DIRECTION over our lives in somewhat the same manner as we can learn how to drive an automobile. Of course, to carry out that simile, we can learn to be good drivers but we must still look out for other drivers all the time. So it is with those of us who attain a certain degree of direction and power over this control of the Tattvas, for the whole of the Physical Cosmos, OUR PHYSICAL COSMOS, is made up of the Tattvas and their play and counter play with and upon each other. Therefore in pursuit of our avowed object, the Control of Matter, through the understanding and control of the Tattva Forces we will take up one of the many phases of Control over Physical Matter and the Tattvas: the so-called Science of Breath-Breathing.

Much ado about Breath-Breathing has been given out in the past by "teachers" of the Occult. I myself was exposed to this several times in different "courses". In each case my requests for further information as to WHY the breathing work was being done met with a dead silence or an admonition that I was to obey, shut up, and do what I was told to do, or else! I know now that the two answers were given because the "teacher" didn't know anything about the subject himself and merely acted from rote. Somebody had given it to him that way without an explanation and it was being passed on in the same way.The basic idea of controlled breathing has some value. It is an attempt to harmonize ones self with the Great Law

I mentioned before through the Great Law's general manifestation of the Universality of the Tattva Law. The Great Law and the Tattvas are connected they are the same. ALL IS THE TATTVAS, and the Tattvas as shown in this lesson are what are called PRANA. The whole human body, and indeed all bodies human or otherwise, show the Tattvas in the construction. Later, when you know more about Prana, you will note these relationships all the time, every time you observe any thing in the Physical Cosmos.

The idea of Breath controlled Breathing is connected with this Universal distribution of Prana. But again, you don't have to know ALL about Prana to use and work with it - but just enough to get the feel of it. The first things of the Universality of Prana we will consider are the DAYS AND NIGHTS. Anyone who has done some Occult reading and research has heard of the teaching that, beginning with sunrise, and continuing on through the 24 hours, each hour is ruled by a planetary ruler.

For example, the first hour of Monday is "ruled" by the Moon, that of Tuesday by Mars, that of Wednesday by Mercury, Thursday by Jupiter, Friday by Venus, Saturday by Saturn, and Sunday by the Sun. The order of the hours in each day is always Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars - and then starting over Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, and Saturn. Hence the, second hour of Monday is ruled by Saturn the second hour of Tuesday by the Sun, Wednesday by the Moon, and so on. Now, of course, each "hour" of each day is of a different length according to the season of the year.

So therefore an "hour" of 60 minutes cannot be used exactly for each planetary hour of the day. At any time of the year the whole period of daylight and the whole period of darkness will have to be divided into 12 equal periods and a planetary ruler assigned to each period in the order given. This knowledge is used in certain kinds of Magical Work, otherwise you will not use it much now, but do keep it in mind at all times. Most of you will remember the old time applications of this system, so that the family's wash was always done on the Moon's day, Monday.

Baking was done on a Saturday because Saturn rules the Baker. The Moon rules water. Saturn rules agriculture, from whence comes the wheat, the flour, etc. Dig out the connections for the other days yourself. Now the same thing holds good in the same manner for the Tattvas. The first "hour" of the Day is ruled by Akasha, which then changes into Air, which then changes into Fire, which then changes into Water, which then changes into Earth. HOWEVER, the changes are made in a certain manner, which is very important, so learn it. The Tattvas change back and forth into and out of each other in this way - you can consider the Akasha Tattva as the "lightest", and the Prthivi (earth) Tattva as the "heaviest".

Back in Lesson Two I gave you all the Tattva names in Hindu, but generally I have been using the English names except for Akasha, for which there isn't any good English equivalent. The nearest is Ether, but all the Tattvas are Ethers. Add the Hindu names of the Tattvas to your chart. (I will try to spell the Tattva names the same all the time, but you will probably run across these names elsewhere, and frequently you will find them spelled differently. So I will put down all the common spellings, and from that you will recognise the others.) Now going back to the changes in the Tattvas for each hour - the change is from "light" to "heavier". To start, the first "unit" of a day from sunrise, is ruled by Akasha, and you know by now that the next Tattva is Air (Vayu.) HOWEVER, IN BETWEEN THESE TWO "LARGE" CHANGES ARE FOUR OTHER "ETHERS", EACH SEPARATE AND DISTINCT BY ITSELF.

After you have made a chart for this lesson, proceed to make the cards as indicated on the next page. Please note that all these symbols you have added to your chart are interchangeable with each other. These symbols come from different sources and different ages and different systems, but they all mean the same thing - or rather stand for the same thing, which is what a symbol does (stand for.) Much ado has been made in certain Occult circles over the TAROT CARDS. Many teachers have attempted to build an enduring solid Occult system upon these cards alone but the Tarot Cards, like Astrology, are only A PART of the Caballa system and being only a part of the Caballa are incomplete when it comes to the idea of final perfection in Occult Knowledge studies.

Many centuries ago the Tarot Cards were converted to "playing cards" by some "sharpie", in all probability an Occult Adept, and he did this, I feel, to preserve the cards from being lost through lack of use. And lost they were not today millions of people play cards, and as soon as anyone is given the right hits they can recover the entire Occult Knowledge "hidden" behind the cards. So, therefore, this will explain the inclusion of Spade, Club, Heart, Diamond, and of Kings, Queens, Jacks, Princesses there is not a princess in the playing cards now-a-days.

The Princess card is now represented by the TEN card. As you know, a deck of cards consists of three picture cards, King, Queen and Jack (the Prince) and numbered cards ACE through TEN. In Lesson Six you first made a basic outline chart and you have probably made several more like it since. It is my intention to have you transfer all the data in the list on the next page to that type of chart. Some of it you have already done in Lesson Seven and Eight. Now that you have started this list you will find it is a growing list, and in fact it could grow to cover the whole Physical Universe - so I will now limit it to what is already listed. BUT, YOU CAN NOW START TO MAKE ADDITIONS TO THE LIST YOURSELF, WHICH SHOULD BE PART OF YOUR OCCULT WORK THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.



Write down your reaction to the statement in this lesson "It is through these senses that you create the/your Physical Cosmos"

What is the basic idea behind "Controlled Breathing?"

Why is there a difference in the number of minutes in a PLANETARY HOUR and a "Clock" hour?

What is the order of changes in the Tattvas for each hour?

Why do we say that an occult system built just on the Tarot Cards, or just on Astrology, is incomplete?

Save your answers until asked for PRACTICE

Make the chart as described in this lesson, and study this information along with the information already noted in the last lesson and on your chart of the Tree of Life.

Try to think of an example of how you yourself have experienced the fact of the statement "it is through these senses that you create the/your Physical Cosmos....", and write down a description of the experience.

Pick a day during the same week in which you receive this lesson, and write down the order of the Planetary Hours for he entire Day and Night periods, and give the time as you work it out when each hour starts. (Many newspapers give the time of Sunrise and Sunset for your town.)

The Original Sorcerer
Stop by my website: http://www.molochsorcery.com
You cannot let things happen on their own if you desire changes to occur in ways which satisfy you.

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