Astral Light - The 'Plastic Medium' by Ophiel

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Astral Light - The 'Plastic Medium' by Ophiel

Post#1 » Sat Mar 18, 2023 4:09 pm

Astral Light -- The 'Plastic Medium'
By Ophiel

One of my students in working with the 'Body of Light' method of 'Astral Projection' discovered the 'Astral Light' in a more substantial way than, what I had pictured the 'Astral Light' as being. He found, for some reason peculiar to himself, that instead of 'using' the 'Light' to be 'Formed' into a 'Body of Light Familiar' type as designated, he could surround himself with a 'Curtain' of 'Shroud' of 'Light' and could direct this 'Light' to 'DO' things for him. Even to 'somewhat' influence' living people, (Not, apparently, 'influencing' them in the 'you-know-what-way!!' but just in 'ordinary' ways.)

He said he got the 'Light' (To 'put-it' simply) to have neighbours turn down their t.v. sets, to have children make, 'less' noise, to get some noisy motorcycles off the street and finally, to find him a much better place to 'live' in than formerly. Here is a man who is 'using' ‘USING’ the 'Light' and not merely 'meditating' on/over it, mooning over it as so many people do, especially our 'Eastern' friends, -the real ones- not the 'humble' mendicants in robes who come here to teach us (what?) and who travel from American city to American city in executive-type $200,000 private jets!!! But this is beside the point. You'll learn all the 'tricks' of the 'trade' if you stick around long enough. My telling you will not convince you, - you will have to find out for yourself - (I wrote a 'vignette' called 'The Occult Faker' which is only 10c ask for It.) pardon the 'aside'

Back to the 'Light': With me, to know and understand a thing is to be able to 'USE' it. I trust it is the same with you. To 'know' about the 'Light' is to be able to 'use' it. That is, I mean, to 'know of/about' the 'QUALITIES' of the 'Light' is to be able to 'use' those 'QUALITIES.' The 'Main' quality of the 'Light' is that it is 'Mutable' (Old word) or 'Plastic' (New word)

That is, 'The Light Takes 'ON?' the 'FORM/SHAPE?' of 'WHATEVER?' 'YOU!!' 'Want/Make' it 'TAKE!!!'

The 'Light' does this through the 'GENTLE FORCE' of 'WILL' plus 'DESIRE' plus 'VISUALISATIONS' plus 'KNOWLEDGE.' (Gnosis = multiple knowledge = Wisdom = Gnosis.) The 'above' named 'Designated' 'Forces' mould the 'Light' into the 'Desired Form' and 'Away it Goes!!!!' and that is, 'JUST ABOUT 'ALL' THERE IS TO IT??' But you must learn for yourself, how to 'Handle' the 'Light.' BECAUSE NO ONE CAN DO IT FOR YOU?'

Since writing the 'above' material, additional knowledge and information has come to hand, I said in a book somewhere, that. 1) The 'Demiurge' created all 'Forces' and 'All' so called 'Forces' such as the 'Planetary Forces' and the 'Astrological Forces' and on and on, all the 'Forces' with which and in which we 'work here' on this 'Plane.' The 'Plane' line which 'Separates' the 'Physical World' form the 'Non-Physical-World' The 'World' of the 'Demiurge' from the 'Non-Physical-World.' Precluding the 'domain' of the 'Demiurge.'

2) Two of the 'Forces' created by the 'Demiurge' are the 'Planetary Forces' and the 'Astrological Forces.' Knowledge note: All the 'activities' here on this 'Physical Plane' are 'Divided' up among the 'Planetary Forces' and each 'Activity' is 'ruled' by a 'Planet' and the 'God/Goddess' 'connected' with that 'Planet' for 'example' 'Real Estate' is 'Ruled' by 'Saturn.' The 'Rulers' of these 'Planetary-Astrological Forces' were called 'Archons' apparently the 'name' of the 'Greek Officials' of certain districts in Greece. There is a 'reference' to them in the 'New Testament' in one of 'Paul's'(?) writings.
It was also said in one of the 'Gnostic Sects' that man 'accomplished' things through ‘Wisdom’, which 'Wisdom' enabled him to 'Evade?' the 'Archons' of this 'World?' I do not know all about 'Gnostics' so I don't fully 'understand' the above 'statement' which was 'probably' given as a 'direction' to a man who was 'trying' to 'escape?' from 'Matter Completely' and not 'trying' to 'Work' 'matter' as we are 'trying to do.'

Now, as I am here discussing the working 'with' the 'Light' I 'suggest' that while, as I said before, the man 'using' the 'Light alone' was able to 'accomplish' certain changes in his 'environment.' I am not always able to so do. (Ophiel is not a 'real' practitioner/worker, He is a 'path' finder and a 'digger' up of 'knowledge' for others to 'use.) If you find these things to be 'true' with 'you' or if you are in a 'cycle' that is 'slow' then 'Work' through the 'Planetary' God 'Forms' of eh 'Gods' that 'rule' the 'Physical Objects' that you are 'interested in'. A good 'technique' is given in the book entitled, 'The Art and Practice' of 'Caballa Magic' wherein the 'combination' of 'Patterns' acts as 'Doors' or 'Gates' to give you 'Entry' to the 'Designated Parts' of the 'Physical Cosmos' you want to 'deal' with.

There is another 'mystery' here, too, that you will have to 'study' and 'work' successfully in the 'future' I have 'spoken' to you before about 'words' per se verses 'feelings - e-motions' (Motions-movements.) The 'Light' does not 'respond' to 'words' as such, but only to the 'emotions' 'BEHIND?' the 'words' as such emotions are 'exposed' in the field of 'Action-Emotion-Movements' somewhat clearly. You have to 'FEEL' 'AND GIVE?' 'DIRECTIONS' to the 'Light' 'THAT WAY' and 'NOT!! THROUGH!! VISUALISATION!!!!

Also, 'FEELINGS' usually 'DO!' generate a 'Picture' a 'Mental Picture' and 'Vice Versa' a 'Mental Picture' generates an 'Emotion' Therefore, this is the 'WAY' you 'DEAL?' with the 'ASTRAL LIGHT.' 'NOT!! WITH 'WORDS!!' as is our 'USUAL' 'Material-living' manner. It is 'DEALT WITH!! BY 'EMOTIONS!!!' 'FEELINGS!!!'

There will be more 'given out' on this subject as soon as it 'arrives' from the 'Inner Planes.'

Edward C. Peach 1974
The Original Sorcerer
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You cannot let things happen on their own if you desire changes to occur in ways which satisfy you.

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