My notes on the Evocation of the Four Elemental Kings

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Adeptus Minor
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My notes on the Evocation of the Four Elemental Kings

Post#1 » Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:36 am

I did these evocations a couple years ago. It was supposed to have a part 2 then but it never occured as I got other stuff in my plate. I decided to post this here now to possibly compare notes, and besides that, there arent much records of the evocation of these spirits, so this can be for further reference to other magicians. There are things Id change here and there, but Ill leave that for when part 2 comes around, which will happens when need arises.


I called forth the four elemental kings, and learned quite a few things from them. Firstly, I learned that these spirits also evolve constantly with our aid. These spirits are the responsibles for this machine called the human body, they are the intelligences behind it. What I was yet to notice is how the more evolved is the soul and the spirit of the being, the more evolved it has to be their human bodies. With their aid, one can improve your metabolism, your neurological conditions, neural wiring, etc.

Paralda for example, teaches how to dominate the body through one's mind. He also awakens some kind of 6th sense that allows one to be more aware of their imediate environment. He also taught me how the air is a thinner substance that acts as a sort of mirror. The thinner the energy/substance, the more consciouss it is. The air is a substance that basically transfers information in both ways, you can either collect info through it or influence your targets through it. But as it is thin and refined, it is also way too sensitive and can often be damaged if not protected/shielded.

Niksa taught me about the essence of water, that is, to nullify one's grosser and denser substances in order to allow the thinner ones to flow freely. Water is also about connections. Think of gravity, the bigger the mass of a star, the stronger its gravitational force. The same applies to energy density, the denser the energy, the stronger its attraction force. Basically, the water mechanics is all about using your denser energies to attract whatever you want, and then to nullify those energies in order to both connect to what you attracted and allow your subtler energies to work on it. If you dont nullify those energies after attracting stuff, you'll just have them around you but wont be able to make use of them, as there will be a blockage right in the way.

The next King I called forth was Djinn. He taught me how the essence of fire was about purification and stealthness. The fire alsos weeds out useless connections one may have (well, this is the actual mechanics of purification). Fire also boosts dynamism, but I still have to figure the mechanics behind this, I know it has to do with pressure and how the thinner energies behave when pushed against the grosser ones, but I have to work a bit more with Djinn to get this crystal clear. Ill do this in the future.

The last spirit I called forth was Ghob. This is a very important spirit, IMO. Remember when I said air is a very sensitive substance and has to be shielded? Well, Ghob shields. Earth is about structure. Ghob taught me how earth keeps and creates energy-information structures. Think about precious stones, there are several types, that will vary in degree of purity and atomic organization. Diamond is the most perfect of them, pure carbon atoms organized in the most perfect way. In fact, it seems like there's no such a thing as earth energy. Earth seems to be much more about how the available energies are packed into building blocks, and how these blocks are set up into more complex configurations and so on, untill sophisticated systems are derived from these. Earth is about forming structures, vessels, bodies. These bodies aim both to protect the subtler energies, and to act as mediums between them and the environment. The more sophisticated the body, the more freely the energies they carry will be allowed to act, the more functions they will capable of executing and the more environments they will be able to interact with, i.e. travelling to new planes. Earth is good for psychological stability for the reasons stated above, just as for defense/protection and organizing automatic systems.

I learned how we have to push those beings in order to make them adapt to new spiritual conditions we may reach, but not only by means of force, but rather by an alchemical process where we will conduce their evolution, so they can fir our needs. I still have to study more the mechanics of this, but providing them refined and dynamic energies have proven itself useful for this purpose

I hope you guys can find this useful somehow, maybe compare notes. I like to first obtain my magical experiences for only them read about the subject, so I never really know when my stuff is nuts or not untill I present them to someone.

Thanks for your time!

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