Getting rid of homeless people!

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Getting rid of homeless people!

Post#1 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:21 am

I feel both guilty and justified in thinking about doing a working to clear the area of homeless people. My lease isn't up for several months and although there are two that are respectful (usually) it seems more have cropped up and they leave DISGUSTING messes. Truly this is the first time in my life the mere thought of a homeless person makes me want to vomit. These guys are on another level.

And they specifically are camping on my corner a couple businesses down which is near several stores and businesses that I like to walk to. Plus I park on the street and even the one I have no problem with has bothered me with trying to reach out to me in unnecessary conversation about my life and old news when I come home late at night and all I want to do is get in my apartment and go to sleep.

*Also, most of these homeless are mentally insane.* Not just regular people tremendously down on their luck. Who dumps trash in 4 shopping carts and then knocks them over then proceeds to stack certain items in one cart? Who monopolizes the bus benches to sit and sleep on all day? (thank God for my car)

I know they are human beings but them being homeless isn't helping them, the system isn't helping them, a couple bucks isn't going to help them. They are of no benefit to the plant or animal life here as they litter like crazy!!!!!! I just want them elsewhere where I don't have to walk past them or their mess. They can all congregate together as one big happy family in the woods somewhere or underneath a bridge away from my neighborhood. I'm specifically saying this because 80% of them hoard shopping carts that they leave in the pathway (saw one almost hit a car once) and dump trash and food on the side walk.

The police can't lock them up and won't move them. If you report homeless people the police are too slow to catch them in action. Businesses at best bounce them back to the side walk.

What do you suggest? Petitioning a certain entity? Creating an entity to scare them off? I want to do something that will not energetically connect me to them. I don't want to hurt them just move them several blocks away.

Moving would be wonderful but as stated I have several more months on the lease and I'm not financially prepared to make a move yet. My county is super expensive and it's a landlord's market. Moving too far out and dealing with 2 hour traffic is not an option either and this is the hub of my industry and where I've built my connections. I just don't want them ON MY CORNER. There is skid row for this type of behavior and this isn't skid row. I don't want THEIR MESS in my path. One day I hope to be able to comfortably afford to move somewhere ritzy where they don't tolerate this, but only God knows when that will happen.

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