NAP thang don't work for me...

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Omnis Validus
Posts: 1169

Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Post#21 » Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:48 am

Monte Lostra wrote:I think in fact, unknowingly, we use magic to supplement, where our faith is not 100%. Because I think if you have 100% faith in somethhing. Even maybe about 70% faith or more in something, it will come to pass. Even if it has to do with others. I think this is so because of your subconscious. Your subconscious can do pretty much anything. I think this is why affirmations work over time - you say it enough consciously, and it seeps into your subconscious which is a miracle-worker, and it will make events happen in world around you.

This is an excellent point, as just today I've finished my personal search for answers on a certain topic I've been working with for a while. While it's more spiritual in it's content, and not really related to this topic(I'm not really interested in arguing about it(healthily or not), I just thought I'd share a brief summary on my perspective.)

From my view, what is generally termed the "subconscious mind", is the deepest connection one generally has with their true "higher spiritual self"(until K&C, or some more formal merging though dissolution of the egos & personalities to one). And in my view(related to the "collective unconscious" theory), consciousness itself is eternal(mental plane etc.), and all beings sentient & nonsentient share the same consciousness (of course at different levels, and in separate manifestations). This, to me, is an explanation of various things. One such thing, what I was speaking about today with someone, is the concept of Karma, or law of return etc. While I do not, and have never completely agreed with the current models of this theory, I do now have a concept that fits within my own beliefs: Say we all share the same consciousness, if you intentionally cause another person or thing harm(in a sense that would be considered "bad"), you are in effect harming yourself, because you and them are not truly separate at the deepest levels. Cause, effect. Reap what you sow. I also view "good"(we all know the difference between "good" and "evil"; not the difference we've been taught or that we've learned, the moral difference that we all know) as being an ultimate goal. Because I see evil as simply the absence of good, evil is an illusion. Just as darkness is not truly a tangible thing, it is simply the absence of light.

These are my personal views, and I'm am most certainly not trying to push it on anyone. Just thought I'd share my take for anyone is interested, gleam from it what you will.

Excellent testimonial by the way Monte Lostra. Keep up the good work, I'm sure the initiates on the board will appreciate this added boost of confidence, as it really is an excellent book :D

Ex Mea Sententia.

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Omnis Validus
Posts: 1169

Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Post#22 » Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:01 am

Grab wrote:personally, I never had any, nor do I think I ever will get any, good results from this book, due to how it is written. I find it hard to take serious.

Hey Grab, I know you've talked before about not really getting results from this book, even after putting in some work. I too find it somewhat difficult to follow & take seriously(mostly because of the testimonials). While I have gotten results from the book & its spirits, I've really considered rewriting it myself.. keeping the same methods for the most part, spirits, words ,& names... and forming it in tune with myself a bit more, (& stripping the testimonials as I don't need them to reassure me).

Maybe you could try rewriting it somewhere else, so you don't constantly have to look at all the "fluff" while searching for the spell/procedure you want to perform.

Just my two cents as the spirits really are good at what they do ;)

Ex Mea Sententia.


Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Post#23 » Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:00 am

Maybe you could try rewriting it somewhere else, so you don't constantly have to look at all the "fluff" while searching for the spell/procedure you want to perform.

Or maybe just get over the "fluff"? Lol. Make it work for you in spite of yourself!


Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Post#24 » Fri Sep 18, 2009 11:14 am

Excuse me Pujar but it seems that what you're doing is known as 'spell begging'. No spell begging allowed on EM! We usually do not (and cannot) post such information for lots of reasons. Read the rules please:

Posts: 69

Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Post#25 » Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:50 pm

So far...I'm having severe insomnia from working with NAP.
I either can't fall asleep, or I wake up after an or so unable to go back to sleep.

This started as soon as I began working with the NAP rituals on a daily basis.

When you dance with the devil, the devil doesn't change, the devil changes you.

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Omnis Validus
Posts: 1169

Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Post#26 » Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:14 pm

upbydawn wrote:So far...I'm having severe insomnia from working with NAP.
I either can't fall asleep, or I wake up after an or so unable to go back to sleep.

This started as soon as I began working with the NAP rituals on a daily basis.


It sounds like you're having trouble dealing with the extra energy around you. Maybe you should consider banishing after your working, or a couple hours before you go to sleep. And/or meditate before sleep, as that will help ground your energy as well.

Ex Mea Sententia.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2335

Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Post#27 » Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:59 pm

Dont worry just keep at it ..You will get used to it I have been through the same thing so I know what you are experiencing. I also agree with validus try changing your schedule do them in the morning etc.
Remember 'For the Man of Religion, Believes in God, The Magician, Knows God.'
(Ars Solomonis)


Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Post#28 » Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:04 pm

Omnis Validus wrote:
upbydawn wrote:So far...I'm having severe insomnia from working with NAP.
I either can't fall asleep, or I wake up after an or so unable to go back to sleep.

This started as soon as I began working with the NAP rituals on a daily basis.


It sounds like you're having trouble dealing with the extra energy around you. Maybe you should consider banishing after your working, or a couple hours before you go to sleep. And/or meditate before sleep, as that will help ground your energy as well.


I agree the energy is keeping you up. Are you doing the NAP at night before bed? Try working your rituals during the day and do some minor exercise/work to keep the energy balanced.

Posts: 69

Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Post#29 » Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:31 am

I switched to morning practice instead of working the rituals in the evening, and that seem to have done the trick. Thanks!
As my NAP practice progresses the (almost magnetic) pull round my brow point seem to grow stronger - have noticed small things shifting, there has also been two bigger wins, but whether these wins were related to my NAP rituals is still unsure, so I'm taking it to the test.

I really enjoy working with NAP and MG while I work my way through Bardons IIH steps. They all compliment each other very well.

When you dance with the devil, the devil doesn't change, the devil changes you.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2335

Re: NAP thang don't work for me...

Post#30 » Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:52 am

pull round my brow point seem to grow stronger

I think its refered to in NAP as the tickling of the ant.. :)
Remember 'For the Man of Religion, Believes in God, The Magician, Knows God.'
(Ars Solomonis)

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