what a disappointment

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Omnis Validus
Posts: 1167

Re: what a disappointment

Post#21 » Mon Mar 02, 2020 3:04 am

Brother_Moloch_969 wrote: Because not everyone will get results with a given system even if they spend enough time working with it for say a year & a day which IS TRADITIONAL and fair amount of time.

I know a woman who can perform miracles with the "A Course In Miracles" because

1. the course is something she fully immerses herself into
2. she believes and has faith the course works
3. the course is consistent within itself
4. she uses the course regularly without fail

You should be able to apply the above four principles to your own spiritual work, regardless of what system it is you wish to use and obtain suitable results. However there are others whom I have met who took the same course she did and cannot get it to work for them the way she does. Go figure, eh?


Some people can connect with certain systems immediately, for some it takes a long time, for others it's just something that for whatever reason just wont happen. Different strokes for different folks.

The important thing is that it's a cohesive/workable system, and that you as a practitioner are serious and committed to your practice. It's only through a dedication to practice that one can learn how to connect to a certain paradigm and get it to work for them, or figure out that it isn't for you and then move on. You can study all you want, but it's through actual practice that you really learn what to do and Understand how it is working or not working for you. You can't just read about the skills required to be successful with any magical system, you have to feel them and hone them through first hand experience.

It's a game of trial and error, and failure shouldn't be a discouraging thing but something taken as a learning experience which you can grow from. And growth takes time. If you pick up a guitar for the first time and expect to play your favorite song in a week, but come to find out you can't even hold the strings down because your fingers still hurt, it would be foolish to blame your instructor, or the guitar, or even yourself for that failure.. because you've yet to persevere long enough in practice to know what you're doing yet. And you've entered into the practice to begin with having a false expectation, since you'd be lacking the experience necessary to know what to expect, and what sort of timeframe your goal would require. And yada yada, lots more I'm not bothered to type up on the point haha, cheers

Ex Mea Sententia.

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