New to magic with a faint heart-- what can I expect?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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New to magic with a faint heart-- what can I expect?

Post#1 » Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:40 pm

Yes, I'm absolutely new to magick. NAP is quite literally the first book I'm reading and I'm very anxious to try the techniques, but I must ask, what can I expect? Not talking in terms of results, but as I said, I have a weak heart... Am I going to encounter paranormal activities? :o I know I'm evocation a spirit, but many who have posted here have performed the ritual and have seen the results manifest without any unusual occurrences. Will I be seeing or hearing things? Cuz I might just have a heartattack. :lol: I also firmly believe that someone has cast a black magick on myself and my family and I feel a lot of negative energy in the house, so I'm just wondering if I perform the ritual, how things will pan out.

Thanks :)

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Re: New to magic with a faint heart-- what can I expect?

Post#2 » Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:41 pm

Most likely as with all beginners the most likely occurrence is no occurrence. If you are naturally endowed with magical gifts then expect the result you're seeking to manifest as if a natural course of events brought it.

Me personally as well as others i have spoken to required a certain period of study, practice and meditation to achieve success. Other requires time, patience, perseverance and the most important thing of all; wisdom.

In short you may achieve results depending on how skilled you are as well as other factors. Its all relative to the practitioner and his/her situation.

As for the curse that you think has been placed on you, if you sincerely believe this to be true then i highly recommend you first start with learning to banish and ground yourself.

Have fun ;-)

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Re: New to magic with a faint heart-- what can I expect?

Post#3 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:04 am

Thanks for your post, amind! I have absolutely no magickal gifts :oops: I've been meditating for a few years (though not regularly), and have dabbled into sigil magick with absolutely no success. My first instinct was that one does need some length of previous practice to be successful in employing NAP, but Cobb makes it sound like anyone can pick up the book and start using magic. I'm open minded and willing to practice, but like I said, at this point I'm more concerned with whether or not I might see/hear/experience paranormal occurences. I think I read one member claim that after he performed NAP, his son spoke in a demonic voice during his sleep, and others experienced knocking on their doors/walls. So I'm just wondering what types of 'other worldly' things I may experience.

Do you think the uncrossing ritual from NAP is sufficient enough to banish evil/negative influences or should I learn LRBP?

And lastly, I *think* I read in a post that NAP didn't work for you. Did that ever change--did you ever get results?

Posts: 337

Re: New to magic with a faint heart-- what can I expect?

Post#4 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:46 am

roxthefox wrote:Yes, I'm absolutely new to magick. NAP is quite literally the first book I'm reading and I'm very anxious to try the techniques, but I must ask, what can I expect? Not talking in terms of results, but as I said, I have a weak heart... Am I going to encounter paranormal activities? :o I know I'm evocation a spirit, but many who have posted here have performed the ritual and have seen the results manifest without any unusual occurrences. Will I be seeing or hearing things? Cuz I might just have a heartattack. :lol: I also firmly believe that someone has cast a black magick on myself and my family and I feel a lot of negative energy in the house, so I'm just wondering if I perform the ritual, how things will pan out.

Thanks :)

Umm.... "Will I be seeing or hearing things?" - isn't that an enormous part of the point???????

I'm convinced this very common attitude (I want to try x, but I don't want it to work!!!) is the leading cause of magickal failure, because if your heart isn't in it, you weaken the effectiveness. Be brave! What's the worst that can happen? A thunk in the wall and you shriek? You won't die from that. ;)

As to the negative energy, learn a couple banishings and see which one feels like it has the best effect. You could also research ways to clean the house and cleansing baths (like the sort that are sold at Lucky Mojo, or you can make your own by doing a little searching on google or on various forums).

Be well!!

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Re: New to magic with a faint heart-- what can I expect?

Post#5 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:56 am

roxthefox wrote:Yes, I'm absolutely new to magick. NAP is quite literally the first book I'm reading and I'm very anxious to try the techniques, but I must ask, what can I expect? Not talking in terms of results, but as I said, I have a weak heart...

Then, do not do magick, delve into prayer (whatever faith you're following) IF you really have faith then you'll get the result wanted

roxthefox wrote:Am I going to encounter paranormal activities? :o I know I'm evocation a spirit, but many who have posted here have performed the ritual and have seen the results manifest without any unusual occurrences. Will I be seeing or hearing things?

If you're lucky , yes !

roxthefox wrote:Cuz I might just have a heartattack. :lol: I also firmly believe that someone has cast a black magick on myself and my family and I feel a lot of negative energy in the house, so I'm just wondering if I perform the ritual, how things will pan out.

Thanks :)

Then, again although it may sound repetitive, do pray your gods and DO NOT use the banishing tecqniques you'll encounter here on on the internet (I have a feeling you have no time for books :evil: ) as, you said it yourself, you are "absolutely new to magick"

Good luck and :Welcome to the forum; BTW did you read this post ?

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Re: New to magic with a faint heart-- what can I expect?

Post#6 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:14 am

Well rox i also started out with sigils and had no success for a while. Often when one fails there is either an error on the magicians part or the system is flawed. Its all very subjective, but if you were to delve into philosophy you would realize that nearly everything is anyway. Its important for the ritual to resonant with you. If you were raised in accordance to one of the mainstream religions then you can use that as a helpful basis for your practice, atleast until your prepared to walk into the abyss otherwise known as ecclectism.

NAP didn't work for me because i didn't really take it seriously, and didn't put the time neither did i follow the outline as suggested. I have however mixed certain aspects of nap with my own form of personal magick. In all honesty i would rather rely on liber 777 and other more traditional methods. If it works for you then that's all that matters.

I would recommend you test all this stuff out. I would also recommend various books such as crowleys book 4 (the mysticism part1) i would also recommend you read the kybalion. Learn traditional methods of banishing, like the lbrp. Oh and if you really want some beginner info on the crazy things that might happen, read Robert Anton wilsons final secret of the illuminati.

I give all this advice because realistically even though i have read a lot and been a long time lurker, i only started practicing traditional magick early this year. You need to understand synchronisities to fully enjoy the humor and fun of magical practice.

Last but not least as I've said i have been studying for years before i practiced anything and part of that was to do with. Fear will lead to failure. It would be better to remove that fear as it is uneeded. You must understand that everything is magick, prayer is magick the sun rising is magick and even this message on your screen is magick.

Posts: 330

Re: New to magic with a faint heart-- what can I expect?

Post#7 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:53 pm

Listen Rox, I was like that too.. and I still am.. I just did a ritual today..

If you are cursed with black magick, Look into Tibetan Sadhanas.. Look for his sadhana. give him a wineglass of beer, milk, or a drink of liquid gold, or something that you like. Give him fruit, or fish soup.

FRESH FLOWERS, not fake, Learn the like of him,

Remember The ways of bon and sagya are

bowls of water (7) at altar
one for light,(candle)
one for washing the hands (water)
one for the holy nose (incense)
one for the holy ear (bell)
Get a Torma made of Tsampa (Secret Bon, cant get it in the western hemisphere)
Get a Ribbon made of Torma (again secret.. unless you order some Tsampa, and have instructions for Ribbon or Torma)

Then call upon dorje shugen, Say his mantra 108 plus times, 100,000 times whatever.. He helps, the negative feeling WILL go away, i guarantee it. If you can find his mudra, while saying the mantra, use the mudra.

I know you got questions, Im happy to answer them.

You dont have to get a ribbon or Torma, but the practice is VERY, VERY VERY effective with it.

There are others like 21 Taras, Je Tsongkhapa, Red and White Mahakala, Shenrab Channo. Yeshe Galymo, ect.

Start to make an altar, and get like 6 bowls and a place to put real, fresh flowers in. and go to the dorje shugden website and find a sadhaha.. and there you be


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Re: New to magic with a faint heart-- what can I expect?

Post#8 » Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:49 am

Last edited by MagiAwen on Sat Aug 30, 2014 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New to magic with a faint heart-- what can I expect?

Post#9 » Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:55 am

Last edited by MagiAwen on Sat Aug 30, 2014 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New to magic with a faint heart-- what can I expect?

Post#10 » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:54 pm

MagiAwen wrote:Recent conversation during events after several workings which I probably didn't clean up well afterwards.

Magi, did you hear that?! :o
That stuff just "flew" off the shelf! :o
Did you see it?! :o
Well?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o
Well What?
OMFGZ!!! WTF WAS THAT?!?!??!!?!!!! :shock: :o
I dunno. Something. Maybe nothing. Hand me that pen please.
I can't believe you just sit there like nothing happened!!! There are ghosts or something!!!!!!!! :o
Yeah. Probably.

Some advice about magic....don't get too worked up, doesn't do any good.

i like the nonchalant approach. ive just about seen it all.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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