Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#11 » Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:53 pm

Hello Viki,

I was so excited in having seen your postings here tonight.
Hope I don't sound like a teenager as I am getting on in years.
Well actually being a teenager again would be great.

Back in the seventies when I was involved with Christianity I was still looking for answers
that went beyond the dogma of that path.

Due to the coincidence and synchronicity as described in your father's latest book,
I had received mailings from Parker Publishing for The Miracle of New Avatar Power,
and then later, The Mystic Grimoire.

Viki, I think I mentioned this before,
but the Mystic Grimoire became like a bible to me and I continued evoking
the angels in that book up until this day.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you Viki, your father Geof and your mother Maiya,
for publishing such great books. You have my heartfelt thanks.

Using the magic in the Mystic Grimoire, I was able to find work in a movie,
meet the director and stars, and many other things.

However, I consider meeting your father through email and over this distance,
much more gratifying spiritually. I wish my own father did not have health challenges,
as I would make the trip to Canada for the book signing.

Kindest Regards,

Brother Butterball :D
Last edited by BrotherButterball on Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:47 am, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 39

Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#12 » Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:55 pm

Hi Viki,

I first read and used your father's book Mystic Grimoire when I was 13, exactly thirty years ago! :-) If someone has not already asked, I was wondering how the talismans were developed? I've never seen anything like them elsewhere before. They seem to be unique with this book. The intriguing designs are what initially drew me to the book. I still love the talismans. Also, I have read a rumor that your father originally wanted to include a colored set of talismans and an activating oil with the book, but Parker allegedly wouldn't let him. Can you please confirm or deny this? Thanks for your time, and best wishes to your family.

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 557

Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#13 » Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:23 pm

Hi there, i was just checking to see if you got to your parents side of the world safely & spoke to your father about taking a peek at the site and hopefully post something.

Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#14 » Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:18 pm

Hello Viki,

This is my question for your father, Geof Gray-Cobb when he logs in during August or September.

I hope he gets to read and see this and possibly a brief answer:

Mr. Gray-Cobb,

I wanted you to know that I greatly admire your work in The Mystic Grimoire,

The Miracle of New Avatar Power, and Secrets From Beyond The Pyramids.

Regarding The Mystic Grimoire, your brainchild and creation and pure genius...

How did you come up with all the elements in those 27 rituals in the Mystic Grimoire?

For example, in the Great Money Spinning Ritual, the ritual that you performed daily,

there is an Arcane Admitting Password, Corael,

there are the ruling planets of Mars and Jupiter,

there is a Cosmic Being, Camaysar,

and there is an Avatar Mantram, Car Rah Car Sah.

How did you come up with all these elements?

Was all this from your research and that of your brother Adepts or

did this information already exist in The Hermetic Order of Campo Santo or

from some other source?

I read in The Mystic Grimoire that there are possibly more rituals that existed in your magical order,

and that the rituals in the Mystic Grimoire came from those rituals.

Kindest Regards,

Brother Butterball :)

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Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#15 » Sun Aug 10, 2008 9:48 pm

Where did Vicki go? Hmm...

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Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#16 » Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:30 am

She prolly was here for a limited amount of time.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2335

Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#17 » Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:32 am

When I reach SK next month I will log my Dad in, and he can post a few thoughts for you.

Patience my friends!
Remember 'For the Man of Religion, Believes in God, The Magician, Knows God.'
(Ars Solomonis)

Topic author

Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#18 » Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:11 pm

Viki Gray -Cobb here with my Dad Geof Gray Cobb
, I have read a rumor that your father originally wanted to include a colored set of talismans and an activating oil with the book, but Parker allegedly wouldn't let him. Can you please confirm or deny this? Thanks for your time, and best wishes to your family.
The first question asked, Dad says 'no, that is just a rumor.

Topic author

Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#19 » Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:22 pm

Brother Butterball, my Dad who sits here wathching me type, answers that all that you asked were done with purely automaic writing and subconcious thoughts channled to him. Since we have no other questions from the gang, :o my Dad leaves you all with this message. Evocation is a magical gift, please treat it well and treat it with respect. Mucha hiya keke hoya yung.

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Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#20 » Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:32 pm

Hello, thanks Viki for bringing your Dad on here and thank you Mr. Gray-Cobb for being here and answering our questions. I'm a great admirer of your work as most people here are. :)

My question is that I've heard that you've "moved on to other practices" and no longer work with the methods and grimoires that you wrote back in the 70's. Can I ask why the move? How do you feel about your old work (the ones that we love so much on this board)? And what kinds of practices are these that you've shifted to?

Thanks so much. We really appreciate all you've contributed to the body of effective occult knowledge.

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