Elubatel: Command or Be Grateful?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Re: Elubatel: Command or Be Grateful?

Post#71 » Sun Dec 20, 2015 9:01 am

NoxLumina wrote:A thought I've had recently is that angelic beings simply do not think like us. They are not us!

Strangely enough, this comes to me both from work with computers and association with people on the autistic spectrum. If people don't even all parse language the same way, who's to say spirits do?

When you "command" Elubatel as per the NAP book, you're not commanding him the way you'd command your dog to sit up, roll over, play dead.

You're "commanding" him the way that you type a command into your computer's command prompt. It simply can't work with input or process data in any other way, you have to speak its language.

Under such conditions - to speak precisely and specifically, to "command" as such, *is* part of how you show respect. My UPG regarding angels is that you are dealing with beings who are very, very different from us and that there is a lot of information that's easily lost in the filters on *both* sides.

You're not wasting his time with unclear requests or gobbledigook and you're speaking in the way he can best understand and work with.

So the answer is, do you command angels? Yes and no. :) It depends upon your definition of "command".

My experience has been that in this day and age occult practice tends to attract people who feel powerless and put-upon. A lot of the time this type of person is drawn to magic because s/he feels it will give some measure of control over harsh reality and other human beings who won't do what he wants.

But that person will start to have problems with angels, demons, and other occult entities, tending to anthropomorphize them and make them more human. The psychologically brittle, frail human starts to have little conflicts about ordering these beings around because, well, HE started to practice magic because HE doesn't like being ordered around.

This is especially the case with demons: "We should treat them with respect, like them, help them, stop being prejudiced against them" and blah blah blah. I used to find it amusing. Then it got tiresome. Then I started being amused again because so many people started becoming possessed upon trying to make friends with and support demons. So that's pretty much where I'm at right now with it.

If you're truly concerned about the issue, I recommend a device called a "license to depart." It's very handy. If you feel like thanking your entity then, have at it. I never do and it never seems to make a difference.

One time I thanked a familiar that kept me from getting caught by some bad guys whose house I was defacing with spray paint, but I'm not sure what effect that had. The familiar seemed neither flattered nor offended by my thanks.

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 752

Re: Elubatel: Command or Be Grateful?

Post#72 » Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:44 pm

Doppelganger wrote:My experience has been that in this day and age occult practice tends to attract people who feel powerless and put-upon. A lot of the time this type of person is drawn to magic because s/he feels it will give some measure of control over harsh reality and other human beings who won't do what he wants.

But that person will start to have problems with angels, demons, and other occult entities, tending to anthropomorphize them and make them more human. The psychologically brittle, frail human starts to have little conflicts about ordering these beings around because, well, HE started to practice magic because HE doesn't like being ordered around.

This is especially the case with demons: "We should treat them with respect, like them, help them, stop being prejudiced against them" and blah blah blah. I used to find it amusing. Then it got tiresome. Then I started being amused again because so many people started becoming possessed upon trying to make friends with and support demons. So that's pretty much where I'm at right now with it.

If you're truly concerned about the issue, I recommend a device called a "license to depart." It's very handy. If you feel like thanking your entity then, have at it. I never do and it never seems to make a difference.

One time I thanked a familiar that kept me from getting caught by some bad guys whose house I was defacing with spray paint, but I'm not sure what effect that had. The familiar seemed neither flattered nor offended by my thanks.

Your posts are insightful, i enjoy them :D thank you

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 752

Re: Elubatel: Command or Be Grateful?

Post#73 » Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:51 pm

i also find that with commanding, your asserting your will. a big thing for directing energy and changing things.

if you 'ask nicely', the energy output may be weaker.

the old cartoon of the mighty *whatever* saying "how dare you speak to me that way!!!" before squashing you or turning you into a hamster ... i dont think it applies here.

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