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New Year Rite [12.31.10 - 1.1.11]

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:01 pm
by Enochian.Mage
New Year Rite
12-31-10 to 1-1-11
Performed 11:30 PM- 12:23 AM


The Enochian Sphere [similar to the descending crown sphere of the `Middle
Pillar' exercise] above my head seems to have changed.
It now appeared `artificial', as if it was hollow and metallic.
The usual globe of power above my crown chakra has now shifted location and is
wrapped around me.

The globular sphere as a coat of many lights might return to it's original crown
setting next time. (?)

I open the East Fire WatchTower Hierarchy:
- 3 God Names, the King and 6 Seniors-

I Vibrate Keys, #1, #2 …
& #17 Fire of Air

See My Article:
"Proper Key Index" – [Which Enochian Call Is Used?]

I call King Bataiva once more, this time- within the flaming red Heptagram,
superimposed "through the Heptagon" with the appropriate WatchTower Seal.

I wait until I can feel it "hum".

This transpires:

I see what appears as a playing card King- His profile.
Blond hair, `page style' haircut.
He wears a red shiny material `royalty' coat with white fur hems, embroidered
with green and red diamond shaped stones.

He says I have done well, and I ask for his blessing. He says "Blessing will not
come now, but will come later".
I `see' an explosion coming from a round doughnut shaped rock.

Billowing black smoke, then comes fire…as the rock appears to be that of a black
rubber tire/wheel.

I hear another `bomb' blast …mingled with a `trumpet' blast
and then hear:

"The voice of the seven thunders …echo to the minds that know me. I maketh thee
a great seere, to learning the ways… the magick of the old ones. Understanding
and know the modern ways of the cycle of things passed. Awaiting eagerly with
angst, and awaiting the wraith of god and power, glory with all things, linked
as one circle…"

As I wrote in "Enochian Entities – Practice & Theory – By SaToGa" Volume #1:

… I oftentimes hear the voices of the Kings as Binaural.
For some reason, the language takes on the old archaic `Olde English'…`Thee',
`Thou', etc.
It personally turns me off [does not make it sound anymore holier, in my
opinion] and transcribing the ritual notes with this can be nerve wrenching.

[I see a thick heavy chain with links being pulled taut]

"…[inaudible] …no beginning and no end.
A lock, deep in the hearts and minds of those that know us.
Do not share thy glory with anyone.
We are angels [i.e., messengers] of old,
not the ones you are familiar with.
These are the un-named 7…Untouchables – who knoweth not and who descended not…
who keepeth away the `privy' [?] of men …thou understanding this is unique, more
of a feel than of a touch".

I ask a personal question about putting more notes together for volume 2.

the 6 seniors come together- amidst red ambient smoke-
I see a round table with only 2 chairs- but they all sit down at once [even
though there are still only 2 chairs]

The Table looks like red glossy mahogany wood, and what appears as an
exaggerated huge gavel is now present.
`Two Seniors who share one arm' sit at the head of the table and grab the
hammer, holding it above their heads, sideways.

The hammer sideways, looks like the `T' of this East WatchTower.

The hammer is on fire.

They throw it at me and it opens up an `aire' that spirals and sparkles
multi-colored sparkles of light.
[my physical body jumps and I literally duck, thinking my face will meet this
ballistic huge hammer]

I go inside a long black tunnel and I hear "knitting together - knitting
[I see Betsy Ross sewing the American Flag]

I see the `B' and `C' on the flag King Carmara introduced to Dee.

The prior `armless female head and bust' originally on King Carmara's flag
changed form and the woman [now] grows arms and legs and she faces me and says
"It is now time to walk!"

[See: "Enochian Entities – Practice & Theory – By SaToGa" Volume #1-
Chapter: "C/B Cycle"]

I see the B and C superimpose over each other to form an Enochian Letter.

[it flashed in and out so quickly but I believe it to be the letter "N"]

[The EE are well known to give very quick imagery flash]

The flag opens wider [stretches] and a cross on it grows as the C/B gets smaller
until it fades out of view…

The Original Great WatchTower Table appear on this flag and blows hard in the

I hear "This is now the union of the systems" and "Make it one now!"

I see what appears to be a funnel, [wide open mouth] turning to me- now, as a
dark tunnel, [folding in and out] of itself with 30 separate ridges…"Spiral
these Aethyrs as one giant snake".

Each one overlaps over another one. The border lines dissolve and it appears as
a `wall-less labyrinth'…"The maze is only one, but to the uninitiated it appears
as 30".

They [?] say "Open the book, and judegeth not, but learn"

I see an eagle that turns into a vulture as it flies by.

I am told by King Bataiva "This is for eating the corpses of the Union and the
wounds of the union lay bare the siege" and "The time of the great disaster that
shall befall all mankind… and the greatest gift that was lost, was the purity of
their hearts [pause]…and of their [louder] minds".

I see someone sliding down two banister rails, skipping steps down a winding
It appears again as King Bataiva.

He walks towards me, trailing behind him the train of his royal robes.

He opens up his robe and I see within his heart- 3 daggers embedded within.

He pulls out the middle dagger and suspends it above his head.

Lightening hits it and His hair `sprays upwards' like igniting a power static

Everything lights up and He is standing in front of the Original Great
WatchTower Table

He simultaneously pulls the remaining two swords out and holds His arms out
horizontally, [like a crucifix] …still holding them.

He approaches me, and stands chest to chest with me.

He wraps His arms around me and crosses his arms.
The two swords form an `X' behind me.

The sword suspended over His head, drops behind him- point down- the sword hilt
forms a `T'- the sword hangs stationary, the length of my body…

"2 swords crossed behind … one sword to your front…- encompassed in steel, your
protection to walk through the fires…, of the path that leads …and… the path
thy… takes"

I see fire and hear explosions…

He says "Write this down"…….

"Thy cutteth with 6 swords but only beareth 3…[long pause]
…go now…and make learning"

-and write

"For the last day approacheth, but thou shalt make known all the secrets to
those men who gather"

I see an hourglass, turning upside down

The sand particles are drops of fire

He says "Time is running, so begin!"

[The trance is heavy]

I ask why the substitution of the globe at the beginning of this rite- and he
tells me [paraphrased]
"To establish a better connection"

I hear whistling on my left- and I am told:

"Some flesh are conduits, who scatter their bones and bring `the field' to open,
upon the 4 sections of Tex".

As I cycle back to Beta…

I `hear' a voice, faint, within my mind, as if my subconscious is thinking

[...or am I still in contact?]

"This is the start of a new era, *"B" Year of Eno Domini"
[This will be researched more thoroughly]

"Enochian Entities – Practice & Theory – By SaToGa"
Volume #1-
Chapter: *"B=2"