My Super Amazing Grand Mighty Power Combination Operations

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Adeptus Major
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My Super Amazing Grand Mighty Power Combination Operations

Post#1 » Tue Mar 09, 2021 5:20 pm

:D I don't know what to call this. Perhaps: Amazing F*Off Power Ritual of the Mighty NAP

This is just what I'm doing - I'm sure someone will let me know it would be easier if I did X. I'm not really interested in easier, this is as much to solve a problem as to explore new ways of working for myself.

The Objective: Stop external influences from negatively impacting a person and their assets

The Investigation: Revealed that multiple issues were at hand regarding the situation and objective. Firstly there seem to be spirits of place that are or were pretty aggravated, spirits of the dead that are also not happy and might be driving anyone who occupies the neighbor house a little mad and at least 3 identified human beings that have a problem with me based on their interpretation of real estate information and are destroying property and generally being harrassing. And then an overworked or uninterested lawyer.

Solution: I should say solution so far. Is to execute successive NAP rituals as guided by Labezerin, once this is completed then it's to deal with the dead as the spirits of place have already received offerings and peace has been made there along with a central altar for connection. Though there may be more work there as well.

No intent to be overly vague, I'm attempting to skip a long winded, years ongoing complicated stupid situation description. The above has been confirmed and/or witnessed by additional persons and I'm not sure all discussion of each aspect needs to be on this section of forum. I may split it out, I might add here about the other spirits. Depends on how this goes. This is an ongoing work. I feel I'm in uncharted (for me) territory not because the spirits or situation is all that difficult, it's because of all the different things involved...which, up until now, I wouldn't have thought would make a difference, but this time it seems to. Too much to put in one post. It will need to unfold. (sorry for all those "not enough info" folks out there - it will be a practice of patience)

First Ritual Set per NAP guidance:

NAP Ritual
Central Pillar
Incantation for Winning (Labezerin) - Previous to this I've been using this to invoke Lab. as mentor/guide to assist with planning an operative solution for the issue
Defensive Armor (Mahashiah, Lelahel) - Used as a means to "install" them as watchers
Psychic Guided Missile (Keveqiah, Mendial) - Used as a means to "install" as prosecutors

This has been performed and as you'll see below, also ongoing.

I'm looking for short anecdotes or general and specific insight into any of this, more specifically the items below.

Items of note and/or curiosities (to me):

1. Arzel took an active part. I haven't recorded nor remember this happening before when using the NAP ritual. Presence, yes, interjection/responses from? No.
2. Labezerin came across as stronger than in previous workings that stood alone (could be addition of other rituals or simply because of repetition in the last weeks)
3. On the Missile ritual I received the message that I didn't need to be as specific about the persons targeted, that, no matter how I did it or what my intent was, "this is for them all". (again, generalities if often how I work so my attempt to be specific was rebuffed - as it is more of a general ritual in the book)
4. As I was getting ready to close, it was indicated that it's not necessary to "close" and that the work is continual, which aligns w/GGC's several reminders to do the rituals daily - I will need to sit with this every day for up to 2 weeks but not as long as a month, indicated by Arzel.
Hindsight note - I realized I wasn't getting ready to perform the "come out" portion outlined in NAP, but to do an actual close that I am accustomed to.
6.Asked why I was not guided to combine all spirits identified with the NAP spirits. Arzel indicated, "Not appropriate, we do not speak with the dead."
7. Outside of the experience I have this idea that I'm supposed to use a poem from the Nag Hammadi (The Thunder, Perfect Mind) either as a meditation in general or as a replacement for the Bornless...not sure which or where this may have come from. I mean other than I like the poem lol. Not sure if it's connected but either way I'll probably do it.

Anyway, those are the highlights I wanted to share.

Number 6 is really the one where if anyone has any insights here or advisement, I'd appreciate as I've not much worked with the dead on purpose and it looks like I'm about to. Which we can move to another thread in a more appropriate section if it seems to get in pretty deep.
Live lightly.

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Re: My Super Amazing Grand Mighty Power Combination Operations

Post#2 » Wed Mar 31, 2021 6:07 am

Whelp. Some things have happened. I see that in my vague posting it's not clear that this operation is all about real estate I hold or is family held.

The objective was not just about the property where there is a neighbor problem. It was to "combine" all properties as one so that any spirits or entities involved in habitation or protection would be working towards the same goals as myself to protect myself/family and land and buildings. Alignment basically.

This mostly comes from the problem property which the neighbors are causing physical damage to and because it's challenging to get law enforcement or lawyers, etc. to assist in these matters where I live - it's not an exaggeration to say this is a corrupt county. It may be that I need an attorney out of the area, though I have the idea it's not time to do that yet.

My interpretation of my solution so far seems to come down to one of two things: Either I packed too much into this or the results are coming slowly and in order of the workings. A third option: I don't actually know nor have met the human beings in question (that I know of) so it could be that something (other than silence finally) is happening I don't know about yet.

In any case. I'm not looking too deeply at the results so far - attempting to let it play out and show the bigger picture.

So far, I'm in a bit of a whirlwind - this is NOT a negative thing nor is it foreign to me. All centered around everything I had going on in my life before this work is going really well even though it wasn't necessarily an intent of the ritual set. Most of it has really nothing to do with the actual problem (maybe). But it has everything to do with property and legal stuff.


About a week ago I woke up to a whisper, "There will be sacrifice." A day later a series of events went down and as a result my dog has passed away. Which broke my heart of course and I'm still processing this.

Sadly, but pragmatically, this event having happened has made some home planned home and property improvement projects less complicated and has reduced the urgency of such. It also has reduced legal liability and likely improved relationships with a different set of neighbors. Still, as workers show up and I'm getting unexpected good fortune on the finances both with unexpectedly saving cash on projects and coming into more unexpected money, it tempers the excitement.

As far as the problem neighbors at a different property. All I have so far is more people inquiring to purchase or lease it and a couple of interesting statements. Which seems to be a long running pattern. Any time I do work for property involved stuff, I get a wave of people interested in it. This seems to be a bit more aggressive has there haven't been just 2-3 inquiries. For the first week there were several per day. One may think this would be an easy way to get rid of the problem, but I'm not getting that vibe. And, I have this (probably stupid) idea that the right thing to do is usually the hardest....selling the problem is the easiest but really transfers the problem onto other people.

Interesting statement 1 from a gas station employee across the street from it, "What's going on with the property over there, it seems like suddenly everyone is talking about it."

Interesting statement 2 from a salon employee across the street from it, "My boss was thinking about asking to lease it so we'd have more parking space but said she was pumping gas the other day and when she looked at it she got a feeling she shouldn't."

I have a recurring thought that I've woken up a shit ton of stuff here. In any case I'm thinking this is all an indication that whatever next steps I take will be successful. At least I hope that's an accurate interpretation because next steps is on the table soon. I reckon we'll see if I get my toast burnt.
Live lightly.

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Re: My Super Amazing Grand Mighty Power Combination Operations

Post#3 » Sun Apr 04, 2021 11:06 am

I am sorry for your loss of your dog :cry:

Doing many things all together in one batch is quite a thing. Some people say it is too vague to lead to a satisfying result. But I believe it is sometimes much better not to go too much into detail and trust into the spirits and the magickal flow. Since I don't have any experience with NAP (actually I don't like it ;) ), I can't contribute any additional thoughts to your operation. But I'd love to read more about what'll happen. I wish you all the best, hopefully this all will result in what you desired - or even better. :)

Oh, and concerning the easy way or the hard way: I often tend to feel the same way as you do, just because there _are_ things which work only the hard way. Yet I wouldn't completely drop the option to sell your property (if it generally might be an option for you). Maybe the issues connected to it vanish in the very moment someone else is owning it, so it doesn't necessarily mean that you're transferring the problems onto someone else. Just my thoughts, which are nothing but speculations (without knowing anything about the real situation). ;)

good luck :mrgreen:

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Adeptus Major
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Re: My Super Amazing Grand Mighty Power Combination Operations

Post#4 » Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:02 am

Silsebyl wrote: I am sorry for your loss of your dog :cry:

Thank you.

Silsebyl wrote:
Doing many things all together in one batch is quite a thing. Some people say it is too vague to lead to a satisfying result. But I believe it is sometimes much better not to go too much into detail and trust into the spirits and the magickal flow.

To be more clear, the work I am performing/have performed on this isn't vague, it's simply been a lot. My situation - or what was my situation - would read like a dramatic soap opera if I related it and technically this thread is just about what I did and the experience after, not as much about the situation I'm addressing itself. Which is why I purposefully left the situation vague to the's not necessary to know at this moment.

Silsebyl wrote:
I can't contribute any additional thoughts to your operation. But I'd love to read more about what'll happen. I wish you all the best, hopefully this all will result in what you desired - or even better. :)


Silsebyl wrote:
Yet I wouldn't completely drop the option to sell your property (if it generally might be an option for you). Maybe the issues connected to it vanish in the very moment someone else is owning it, so it doesn't necessarily mean that you're transferring the problems onto someone else.

It's a possibility. Historically, I'm not so sure. In any case, the people that have contacted me about the property, aren't people serious about purchasing and so I do not waste anyone's time. I WOULD sell it if the right thing came along, a lot would have to happen for that though and I make no effort towards it. Most people interested want to lease it, which is not a complication I'm up for.

For now, all signs point to me needing to hold onto it and some seem to be pointing to acquiring the property next door to it where the issues lay.
Live lightly.

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Adeptus Major
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Re: My Super Amazing Grand Mighty Power Combination Operations

Post#5 » Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:48 am

MagiAwen wrote: It was to "combine" all properties as one so that any spirits or entities involved in habitation or protection would be working towards the same goals as myself to protect myself/family and land and buildings. Alignment basically.

Quoting myself in an attempt to keep this update focused.

How things are playing out is similar to how all of my NAP work in the past has played out. So this is telling me so far that doing it "by the book" or doing it in my style is relatively the same. This is not unexpected for me nor for many others reading this. But for those that may need to read it. There it is.

My past experience of how NAP work plays out is - there's a period of time that's a set up. Most of my work is intended as long work, instant results are not expected nor are they preferred. So the set up continues and this is the part I thoroughly enjoy as I've no idea what is going to happen and I'm always in awe of it as it goes along. It never gets old.

Earlier this year, before this situation I'm addressing escalated, I decided on extending the fence already on my home property. Considering this situation...the land spirits, the NAP spirits, at least 2 cross road spirits and whatever archons are here, the operation of combining all into one team to be stewards of all, I considered whether or not the fence should be here. How do they think of terms of protection or in terms of they care. Does it matter. Would it matter if I think it mattered.

Last week part of the current fence came down in a storm. Yesterday the money from the insurance settlement hit my account. It's more than is needed to replace the current fence. In fact, it's just the right amount to make an entirely new fence plus the extension I had originally planned.

This week also 2 more unexpected cash side jobs, an introduction to an influential person in an industry segment I want to get into and the problem landowner has started to lose court cases. Nothing I'm involved in. This person takes advantage of people in bad situations. Part of the work that has been so far is to bind him from doing harm to others and a call for justice.

The one thing that is very different in this operation is I've never seen the landowner or the person that is on that neighboring property. I know one name. I'm not (that I know of) in orbit of anyone these people know so not even exposed to the gossip of their lives. It feels weird not being able to be informed on progress. It seems that nothing is happening and I've really only public access records to see if anything is happening.

But. It's the setup. And weirdly, almost everyone in town waved at me and smiled the other day as I went around doing things. This has not been the usual since I came back. I think an underlying current is changing. At one point getting ready to execute the above operation the idea that no one has really paid attention to the spirits of the lands here came up - perhaps this is what I feel is a big thing "waking up".

From reading others' posts on different operations but especially some relations of working with NAP spirits, I think that this phase here is at play in a lot of them. Not that the long game is how they "work" - not every operation with them is a long one. I and others have mentioned this several times before...the "whirlwind", the seeming disarray that may not be. The "hidden" or unrecognized results. Quiet movements towards opportunities for small actions.

My earlier interpretation of NAP spirits was that the further you were from their current and/or your desired goal the more you would be moved...the more interesting and perhaps stark or alarming things may take place. My thought on this has moved. While this may be happening there's something else here as well. NAP has grace, a certain surety and smoothness to it if you let it come and let it be what it is - the sharp edges and corners are rounded.
Live lightly.

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Adeptus Major
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Re: My Super Amazing Grand Mighty Power Combination Operations

Post#6 » Tue Jul 20, 2021 11:04 am

I have realized that my storybook posts are hard to follow. It's probably going to stay that way until this work is complete then I'm thinking of rewriting it into a more comprehensive detail so it makes more sense for people.

I do not mind sharing my work that's in process, though I need to leave some parts vague. So far this way it doesn't seem to negatively impact the outcome. So..this just may confuse but will continue on :)

To add to the confusion and complexity of the NAP combo operation I also added The Great Money-Spinning Ritual from the MG Group Working

I purposefully combined it with already started combo work. This ritual is about multiplying assets so it felt like a fit. Interestingly, the outcomes of the MG ritual are in a way balancing the "sacrifices" from the other. They are supporting each other.

Update on the original goal of: Stop external influences from negatively impacting a person and their assets

I think that some of the "set up" has been done. Everything is still playing out.

So first, my lawyer literally stopped talking to me, zero explanation. Just refuses meetings and calls. This is all politics, the "target" is apparently an influential person others often don't want to cross. New lawyer from out of the county whose first comment after just starting research was, "Wow. Seems a scheme is afoot."

The target has started to experience a series of events that seem to mainly be about them losing credibility and money.

I don't have all the details but it seems that so far they are under suspicion of intimidation for commercial gain, exploitation of their position, conspiracy and defrauding the public.

This is a lot like my other workings of defense or justice (some may call them curses, I used to) have played out. The target some how has a "come to Jesus" with health, wealth or law enforcement...or a combo of these. The only thing "missing" from previous result experiences is that I haven't gone into a black hole of unseeing. My own personal events are well supported and connected. This feels really super balanced in the result all the way around although it's very complex.

I think the largest difference between any type of defense/justice/curse work I've ever attempted is that the most successful, complete and longest lasting ones are when your being offended is justified. Fingers get really burnt if you're doing it for poor reasons.

Also to add a bit about the spirits of place. I really feel a beautiful harmony like never before, my gardens are all doing very well and seem to sing. (not just the hoards of birds either lol) It seems combining all three properties under the same protection has done very well.

Unknown to me when I started this, the target also owns a neighboring property to another of mine, not just the one. Same situation, the landlord has (or had) a renter causing property damage to my property and knew about it and refuses to do anything about it and in fact not only encourages his renters to "punish" me for complaining about it, does his own damage on purpose for "revenge" It's a duplex that is now completely vacant and apparently no one will rent it now. The original offenders on the other property I started this for are still there, but seems something is happening with them as well...not sure.

The "best" one so far is he encouraged his renter on that property to start to damage or steal from the people that are living at my house over there. Security cameras with night vision are a beautiful thing when you come to siphon gas and let air out of tires.

Either way, all the properties are more comfortable to be at now and the work continues.
Live lightly.

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