I think NAP worked, need urgent advice.

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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I think NAP worked, need urgent advice.

Post#1 » Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:55 pm

I've recently made a "Point A" ritual + General Purpose Invocation(this morning), asking for an object, and after a couple of hours, a gorgeous idea popped into my head on how I could get the money for that object.

BUT! I don't know if i should continue doing the Point A ritual + General purpose invocation, or just stop and wait for it to come true.

I'm afraid that if I continue doing the ritual and invocation, the NAP will flood me(somehow).


Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: I think NAP worked, need urgent advice.

Post#2 » Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:25 pm

Hello Scream,

The author of NAP, Geof Gray-Cobb,

suggests that you work one NAP ritual every day,

until you get your result. There is nothing to fear.

The NAP is based upon a Relaxation Ritual, calling upon the angel Arzel,

sometimes followed by the Middle Pillar Ritual, the Invocation of the Bornless One,

and then you work your magick. It's all good stuff. Please don't worry.

Brother BBB



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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1090

Re: I think NAP worked, need urgent advice.

Post#3 » Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:41 pm

Um, before I say anything is this your first REAL working or attempt at a working?

Topic author
Brother Suroh

Re: I think NAP worked, need urgent advice.

Post#4 » Mon Oct 05, 2009 10:35 pm

You just gotta love the power of NAP.

Scream you are just feeling the first subtle effects of working magick. It is possible with some consistency that you may even will the money needed to purchase this item to yourself without any "work" so to speak. In the end the ritual is a working. :D

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Re: I think NAP worked, need urgent advice.

Post#5 » Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:51 am

Thank you everybody for answering so fast.
BBb: I kind of panicked, because I didn't want to do something wrong. :oops:
Now, I remember that Geoff mentioned that we should do the invocation 'till it works.

Gibil: I've been(let's say) "playing" with the occult for about four years. But never have i received a result that made me feel so confident before(with anything else). Regarding the NAP: I started reading the book about one month ago.

BS: Indeed! NAP RULES! :D
The funny thing is that you're right. In my case, the work I'd have to do in order to obtain that object, would be the easiest work I've ever done.

Thank you all for your assistance.

Topic author
Brother Suroh

Re: I think NAP worked, need urgent advice.

Post#6 » Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:01 pm

No problem what so ever Scream everyone here is more then helpful, if you have anymore inquries feel free to post as I am too just starting to study the NAP system. It it extremely powerful for its simpliity and with a year or so of consistant practise I think one can begin to cause some mighty changes in their own perspective universe.

I suggest to practice and memorize the Kabbilistic Cross(called the uncrossing ritual in NAP) and the Middle pillar(Called NAP in the book) the NAP(middle pillar ritual) was the first thing I ever performed in magick where I felt a physical sensation instantly while performing the ritual and after sending out the generated energy I more then accomplished all the things i focused the energy toward.

Keep up the study I look forward to hearing from you.

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Re: I think NAP worked, need urgent advice.

Post#7 » Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:38 pm

Right now I'm working on accomplishing something(Point A ritual + General purpose invocation, every morning), but it seems I've got a bit stuck during the process. Hopefully(for me and my confidence) I'll get over it.

I will start memorizing the uncrossing ritual and middle pillar ritual, and see what happens.
Oh, and just for the record, i did try the middle pillar ritual once, and felt the same physical energy you mentioned.
But nothing happened.

I too hope to hear back from you, and only good things, of course

Topic author
Brother Suroh

Re: I think NAP worked, need urgent advice.

Post#8 » Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:37 pm

When you say nothing happened ,what do you attempt? Did you visualize the corresponding color and intent and astrological correspondence ect. ? Did you do the bornless one invocation afterwards?

Lets me know maybe I can help you out with getting better results from it.

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Re: I think NAP worked, need urgent advice.

Post#9 » Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:53 pm

I did the Point A ritual, and then the middle pillar one. I did visualize the right colors, and order, but in a long manner. Meaning that I read a few words, closed my eyes, opened them, read a bit more, imagined that part too, etc.
Funny thing is that I felt a very pleasant warmness in my chest. But other than that, nothing notable.
I believe it will work if I(and anybody who tries it) put more spirit into it, it will work, but it's too long to memorize it right with all the details.I'm thinking about doing it everyday for a few days or weeks, and see what happens.
Currently, I'm thinking that I should do a ritual for a week, and then if it works or not, move on to the next one and see what happens.

Later edit: Regarding the Bornless one, I'm performing the New pillar ritual tonight, including the bornless one invocation.
I'm dying to see what happens.

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