An Experiment With Jupiter

The Evocation and Invocation of Angelic and Planetary Spirits.
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Omnis Validus
Posts: 1167

An Experiment With Jupiter

Post#1 » Fri Mar 02, 2018 1:56 am

This is a collection of notes from today's work that I'd like to jot down.

Originally I had the idea to create the 5th Pentacle of Jupiter from the GKoS today, but things didn't go as planned.
I've been working on a lot of other stuff.. but the timing of the full moon today along with a weird storm system in my area made it seem like a good opportunity to experiment with Jupiter. Had the thought crossed my mind before Wednesday evening, I might have done more :lol:

The 5th pentacle of Jupiter is used to bestow powerful visions, such as the revelation of Jacob's ladder. I've been planning the construction of something very similar for a while now, so I thought it would be perfect to create and test this, so I can compare the two in the future.

I wanted to engrave the pentacle on tin or pewter, and in the process of rummaging through my stuff I came across an old pewter pot with a pour spout. The thought then occurred to me that I could engrave the pentacle on or in the pot somewhere, and then use the pot to hold liquid for bowl divination/skrying, or to hold some other relevant libation. I might still do something with that idea later.

From the morning until now, pretty much everything I've done has been spontaneous.

This morning, in the first hour of Jupiter, I consecrated some rock salt to Jupiter and I placed it in the bottom of my pewter pot. Then I left it outside, uncovered in the rain. The rain let up shortly after, and the sky cleared. I waited until the afternoon hour of Jupiter to retrieve my rainwater and bring it inside.

I shopped around for tin today but I couldn't find any, so I decided to try refining some of my own. I have a lot of electrical solder laying around, and it is generally 60% tin/40% lead, both of which have a very low melting point (stove top). Since their melting points differ from each other by quite a bit, it would be possible to separate a lot of the tin from the lead. I was able to reduce the concentration of lead by about 6% unintentionally.

I melted my tin alloy in the hour of Mercury, and sanded/polished it for a while before the evening hour of Jupiter.

At the evening hour of Jupiter I set up a small altar. Then I transferred my rainwater into a blue glass bottle for future use. I've had various ideas for ways to use this, but am unsure what I'll do with it yet.

Right when I started preparing this stuff in the evening hour the rain started back up again, after being clear all day in between.

I engraved a purple candle with names and attributes of Jupiter, then anointed it with wick oil/#20.. I was going to use something more relevant/specific, but for some reason I really felt the need to use wick oil.

I performed an improvised invocation to call the spirits of Jupiter, then I proceeded to pour purple and blue candle wax onto my tin talisman, repeatedly carving the astrological symbol of Jupiter into the wax before covering it with more wax and repeating the process. I did this for just about the whole hour.

Now I have prepared two items for future use. I'm going to put my talisman away in a leather pouch for the time being, until I decide how/when I'm going to continue the experiment with it. It's still probably going to become a 5th pentacle of Jupiter, but for the time being it's going to remain a hand forged and empowered tin blank. I didn't really do anything I thought I was going to do today.. I feel pretty good about what I've started though.

I welcome any comments, suggestions, or criticism :D

Ex Mea Sententia.

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