Elubatel kicks me in the butt

New Grimoires and techniques outlined in books like NAP, NIP, Frater Malak, etc.
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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 665

Elubatel kicks me in the butt

Post#1 » Fri May 12, 2017 5:18 am

Here's a post that might be interesting for those who intend to work with NAP/Elubatel, or for those who are into astrology.

I've done the NAP rituals for Elubatel and Nitika (success and money) about 2-3 weeks ago, along with some other stuff intended to help me with those goals.

Those NAP rituals feel pretty terse and barebones, esp. when compared to the lengthy preparations and incantations of grimoires like Abramelin's or Solomon's, but nevertheless afterwards I sensed Elubatel's presence in me as a warm golden light. Gentle yet powerful. Note: I also quit/lost my job in December.

Fast-forward to yesterday. I smoked weed and indulged in porn. After the orgasm I get up and notice I'm way too high and getting paranoid. I am suddenly hit by a flash of inspiration that tells me I need to read about my nodal axis in 4th Sag/10th Gem. For those who don't have much experience in astrology, our nodal axis tells us what gifts we brought with us into this life and what we feel comfortable with (South Node) and the direction we need to head (North Node). So for the first time I really realize what this means for me. One of my spiritual goals, marked by the North Node, is to get out and build a career to get worldly recognition in some way. But I let myself be blocked by my desire to be at home, indulge in comforts and be a spiritual and religious scholar and practitioner. Not that all of those aren't good things, but the balance at the moment is tipped WAY too much in this direction. So I need to do things like quit porn, watch my internet usage, be less lethargic and so on.

I sensed that this lesson was brought to me by Saturn (currently transiting rx the 3rd decan of Sag and approaching my South Node), relayed by the Moon who entered Sag yesterday having charged itself with solar Taurus energy which it transmuted into lunar Scorpio.

But I also realized the day after (i.e. today) that ultimately it was Elubatel who is starting to rebuild my life for success and wealth. She herself informed me of that by way of inspiration.

So yeah, I didn't know what to expect when I called on her. I *wanted* change for the better, leading me to success, and I was also open towards the more radical kinds of change. So that's what I'm starting to get. It was a tough experience but I needed to receive this clarity, and I am grateful for it.


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