Call for Participants: The Mystic Grimoire Ritual Project

New Grimoires and techniques outlined in books like NAP, NIP, Frater Malak, etc.
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Call for Participants: The Mystic Grimoire Ritual Project

Post#1 » Mon Apr 05, 2021 3:48 pm

Members of SA:

On the night of the first Tuesday after the new moon (13 April 21 where I live), I will perform "The Great Money-Spinning Ritual" from page 146-47 of the original Mystic Grimoire of Mighty Spells and Rituals. I think we haven't talked about this modern grimoire as much or as deeply as others and it would be great if we could generate some interest. Since we can all use a bit more money, I have chosen this ritual.

Here are the guidelines:

- There is enough time to get the grimoire and create the necessary tools if you need to do so. Use your best judgement in how you go about this and also keep in mind that if it takes you too long, I will be proposing another group MG working after this one. No stress on that point. You can always sit this one out, take your time putting things together, and pick up with the next one.

- Sometime before the 13th, contemplate the sigil I've attached to this post. It is designed to combine all of our energies, distributing a portion of the whole into every individual ritual. In other words, if 10 people participate, each participant will receive force (for lack of a better term) to the power of 10, etc. The sigil is asynchronous, meaning that as soon as you contemplate it with the serious intent to do the MG ritual, it will work for you.

- Let's give it a week or two to start moving things our way. No need to report in to this thread unless you have something to report, but when you do, feel free to describe anything you think is relevant. You also may want to discuss what you thought and felt during the actual performance of the ritual, since that might be of use to everyone else. This includes a reasonable amount of UPG, but try not to go bonkers with it.

- We haven't done a lot of this sort of work since the old days of EvocationMagic, and I think it's time. But keep in mind that this is largely an experiment in using the MG as a group. Banish, ground, and center before and after. And stay aware that this has the potential of being very strong with strong repercussions. Participate at your own risk.

- Let us know if you will be involved, sometime between now and the 13th. All members of SA are invited and will assume personal responsibility for the work and its outcomes in their lives.

Aradia: Letters from the Dark Moon

If something is hard, do it more. Don't run away.

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