Invoking the Angels of Omnipotence

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Invoking the Angels of Omnipotence

Post#1 » Wed Mar 20, 2019 11:56 am

After several years of working with Elubatel and a fair bit of time working with his compatriots Ebuhuel and Etuesuel (Atuesuel), I decided to take inspiration from them & wrote an invocation. It is short, sweet, and a powerful means of creating change. NAP definitely served as a muse in this, so it seems appropriate to share this amongst the Modern Grimoires subforum.

Wanderer/SorcerousEndeavors wrote:"Elubatel, Ebuehuel, Etuesuel I conjure, invoke, and command thee to grace me with your presence in the Light of the Divine Creator. Stand with me now and till the end of time, bringing each and every one of my desires to pass, drawing me up to the glittering peaks I covet.

Draw to me those who can assist me in all ventures I deem worthwhile and allow me the means to take full advantage of all worthy opportunities you make manifest. Speak clearly to me and make obvious your intentions so that I might uphold the Grace of Creation and honor our Father & our Mother.

Be thou blessed and fulfilled by and through these deeds, ever-elevated in the eyes of that which made you. Gain merit through service and be serviced in turn.

Amen, Amen, Amen."

This is cross-posted from my blog, as I feel it will be of benefit to StudioArcanis & those who contribute here. :)

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