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The Complete Works of E.A. Koetting

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:39 pm
by TheWanderingFool
So I got my copy yesterday and gave it a quick browse. Apparently Koetting added a new chapter to Kingdom of Flames as well as added all the exercises and initiation rituals for his old order OAA. The exercises progress from the 1st to the 18th flame ( if I'm not mistaken I don't have the book with me and am posting from my phone). They start out with basic meditations and candle spells and eventually involve evocation and soul travel. The exercises are well laid out and explained clearly. He said he had some mistakes from Evoking Eternity corrected as well.

The construction of the book is very nice. It is bound in a nice black leather with silver guilding on the papers edge and a silver pentagram foil stamped into the front cover. It is very reminiscent of the Ixaxxar editions from the past. I did notice that many of the typos from the previous books were still there which I found mildly annoying considering the price and amount of time from preorder to shipping. As I progress through the OAA material I will post results if any are interested. I'll also post some pics when I get to my computer.

All in all I am pleased with the purchase as it is a good value considering you get all his books except Spider and the Green Butterfly. I see a lot of his books going on eBay for more than I paid for the collection. If any are interested I believe you can still order a copy from his Become A Living God site.