The Five "other" angels of omnipotence working and discussion.

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The Five "other" angels of omnipotence working and discussion.

Post#1 » Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:27 am

I am ofcourse talking about Tubatlu, Bualu, Tulatu, Labusi and Ubisi.

Got inspired to do a working with theese angels. Started with a tarot-reading and got 20- the world and 10 of pentacles at key points so I got a clear sing. Lets go, lets do this...

So what I did was that i used the basic outline of the ritual with Elubatel, Ebuhuel and Atuesuel from Damon Brands wealth magick.
Did a similar seal, but used different inner writings that corresponds to theese angels, and conjuration From 6/7 BoM. ( general citation of Moses on all spirits. (6/7 BoM p.81- formulas of the magical cabbalah(t2) joseph peterson 2008.))

I used a combine chakra exersice and the "orante gesture" to charge up the sigil.

So as i was working up to the ritual, something was definetly happening, knocks and small noices, and one weird loud bang from my furniture. "Hey something is happening, and i have not even begun the ritual" i thought to myself.

So Beginning with the principal citation i settled down and did the short ritual calling the angels. First by calling their name and then singing it to the 4 corners of the earth.

There was definetly a different feeling to each angel. but I felt the strongest connection when i called the second angel BUALU, As i sang his name a wave of chills and emotion swept over me, and it felt like he was very grateful for the singing.

Tubatlu felt a bit stand offish, Tulatu felt serious, Labusi, cant rememeber, and Ubisi very uplifting.

After calling the angels i stated my petition in a similar manner to the nap-chant for success but my own words and sealing the petition with the word of power ANAPHAXETON. For me general success, joy and protection.

After the petition there was a very positive vibe, and i am still a bit buzzing after the ritual.

Communications - "We can bring forth thine enemies" they said with a unison-voice.

This suprised me a bit, but as i asked for protection a good way to be protected is to know who your enemies are i guess. so i said yes.

then they told me "We work a bit differently than elubatel, ebuhuel and atuesuel" I got the sense that they ment levels or areas, still a bit unclear,

Then they told me that they will support me in my endeavors.


Afterthoughts, very energizing and uplifting, i got the sense that they are fast moving, and very friendly.

Well there it is, first time calling these angels.

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