What does this mean to you

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What does this mean to you

Post#1 » Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:47 am

And she says: Sweet are my kisses, O wayfarer that wanderest from star to star.
sounds like babalon, see liber al, also parsons "my kisses shall wanton the world away" in the poem "birth of babalon"
Sweet are my kisses, O householder that weariest within four walls.
enochian: house of death/ lockal t/s continuumi
Thou art pent within thy brain, and my shaft pierceth it, and thou art free.
woman girt with a sword
Thine imagination eateth up the universe as the dragon that eateth up the moon.

And in my shaft is it concentrated and bound up. See how all around thee gather my warriors, strong knights in goodly armour ready for war. Look upon my crown; it is above the stars.
the book of the law, if I raise up/if I lie down "serpent"

Behold the glow and the blush thereof! Upon thy cheek is the breeze that stirs those plumes of truth.

kiss on the check of little sister/ regenerate the world (liber al)

For though I am the Angel of the fourteenth key, I am also the Angel of the eighth key.
And from the love of these two have I come, who am the warden of POP and the servant of them that dwell therein.

(another 7 digit calculation, two baphometi)

Though all crowns fall, mine shall not fall; for my plumes
reach up unto the Knees of Him that sitteth upon the holy throne, and liveth and reigneth forever and ever
as the balance of righteousness and truth. I am the Angel of the moon.
metatronian concept of local time and space memetic lock on conscious sentient self aware beings/stars

I am the veiled one that sitteth between the pillars veiled with a shining veil, and on my lap is the open Book of the mysteries of the ineffable light.


I am the aspiration unto the higher; I am the love of the unknown.
I am the blind ache within the heart of man.
I am the minister of the sacrament of pain.
I swing the censer of worship, and I sprinkle the waters of purification.
I am the daughter of the house of the invisible. I am the Priestess of the Silver Star.

This is from the aire POP, in VAV..
It's not babalon speaking, literally and physically, its a 7 letter angel of one air, the one of 3 keys to its parts, right?
could one divide babalon so little as to put one seven letter angel for her entirely? Discuss shwiggers!!
:Thank You
God our god will reign eternal.

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