Unknown symbols

General Enochian Discussion.

Topic author
Nosce Te Ipsum
Posts: 443

Unknown symbols

Post#1 » Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:03 am

I've been reading up on Enochian lately, and after working out the names on the Great Tablet I find myself a little confused about several names. The confusion arises from two squares, one on the Tablet of Fire and one on the Tablet of Water. I'm working from the original table, not the Raphael re-ordering.

On the Tablet of Fire, Fire of Fire Watchtower, the third square in the third column contains an L and a B. How do I treat this?

Also, on the Tablet of Water, Water of Water Watchtower, the square in the lower right hand corner has what appears to be a backwards L. Is there a normal counterpart for this letter?

Source is here: http://hermetic.com/browe-archive/great_table.htm

Thanks in advance.
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