New and/or exacerbated compulsions

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Gordon Finn
Adeptus Minor
Posts: 880

New and/or exacerbated compulsions

Post#1 » Sun Dec 14, 2008 3:45 pm

During the last week, I've been doing a bunch of chaos magick for purification purposes to let the enochians' energies into my sphere to a greater degree for increased effectiveness (as well as writing out the stylized glyphs of the alphabet with their english translations and the Dee gematria numeral values for each and last night put it under my pillow as I slept).

This morning, I work up with this insanely strong urge to travel and build shit. So, I called my normal go between for the heirarchy and asked if it was some other influence and I just fucked up and he said no. I called on several other enochians to double check and they said the same thing, that it was the result of letting it in more. It would have happened later in my life, but I made things start sooner.

Anyone else that's done enochian work find insanely strong compulsions?

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