Cross System Refrence

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Cross System Refrence

Post#1 » Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:50 am

In the enochian paradigm, as a serious student of african traditional sciences and what that entails, I have been struggling to find the place of Esu Eleggua. His charecteristics as the one with the hooked cane bending through the fabric of space and time, his natural expression as both the chaos in the universe, and the gravity which pulls things together, these mysteries of Eshu along with the many many more which I have yet to fully grasp, make it hard to place him anywhere specific. (apologies for the run-on sentance)... :angelic
Tonight while I was meditating in front of my... eh hem... moderately sized clear crystal ball, thinking into space about the contents of a peculiur mixture of sorcerers brew, something came to me vision... :bow

I saw a sword of gravity creating a fractal of swirling psuedo-patterned, mixed expressions, cutting through, consuming AND filling all of space and time. To understand my picture you'll have to look at, or better yet, construct your own Great Table. Mine is posterboard, only a couple feet each way. It is written in enochian. On the center of the table is what would appear to me to be a sword, or possibly even an upside down cross.
Meditating on that for a minute, I surmised that in enochian, Esu is the black squares of the Black Cross, as well as the design and thickness which distinguishes the Orphanic Letters from each other. Also, the use of the letters once they have been communicated through symbol is Ase Esu, meaning of the power of him.

Esu is chaos in a major sense. Distinguishing the light from the darkness is interacting within the whispers of chaos into the pools of light. Angels AND demons my friends, Esu in TRADITIONAL IFA, is represented by BLACK and WHITE. In my limited understanding, chaos is the first, light is the second, and the problematic question of whether chaos or light is first within that first chaos is a secret which belongs to "The lord of the Crossroads" :twisted:
~Saggg (Apla'T)

EDIT: Maferefun Obatala, Maferefun Esu Eleggua!
Mojuba maferefun Iya mi Osun ati mi baba, mojuba mope baba mi Esu! Ki kan masse alejos ati abures mi!

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