Working with the Watchtowers

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Working with the Watchtowers

Post#1 » Sun Jun 21, 2009 5:30 pm

I'm currently learning to scrying on the Watchtowers, starting with the servient angels and plan to work my way through a couple of servient angel per subangle, per watchtower, then work my way up to the seniors before attempting Aethyric work. I have a list of questions I ask the angels, as well as asking them if there is anything they'd like to show me or communicate to me, and I finish with asking them for a symbol and if/how I should work with it. Is this a useful approach or would you recommend something different? I find that the visions fade very quickly so I am thinking of recording them as I go, rather than waiting until I've closed the temple and banished etc and getting it all down.

I have been involved with CM since about 2002 but just started seriously approaching Enochian work this year. I use Enochian Vision Magick and Enochian Sex Magick as guides. I currently just use the watchtowers that I made using Chanokh as a reference (which nearly reduced me to tears before I realised I was using the wrong correspondence system of planetary rulers/decans and that the coloured tablet I was using as a double-check had mistakes in it) and as I have time I will make a holy table and the other temple furniture.

I''m a member of a small Hermetic Qabalist Order and I use our own temple opening rite, after performing the QC, MP and LBRP. I recite the calls and hierarcical invocation in Enochian.

In Enochian Sex Magick, Lon says that to call the Angels to you, you should sit facing the elemental directions and to visit the Angels in their own world, to face the zodiacal elemental direction. Does anyone do this? I only did it for the first time last night as I missed this point in earlier readings of ESM.

And lastly, when I practice other forms of magick, I find that I tend to be a bit buzzed and can't sleep. With Enochian work, I am out like a light and sleep like a baby and experience a fairly elevated mood the following day. Anyone else find this?

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