Ritual Mechanics

General Enochian Discussion.

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Ritual Mechanics

Post#1 » Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:51 am

As this is my first post here, I should probably briefly introduce myself. I've been working with more traditional witchcraft for as long as I can remember, and over the past few years studying and now begining work with the Enochian system. I've read Tyson's book, DuQuett's (spelling?), and about every forum post I can find online. My temple so far uses mostly paper tools as I certainly don't have the budget for gold rings, sweet wood holy table, etc. I have a few questions.

1. DuQuett's system uses a prepairation ceremony that includes intoning the characters around the holy table. I infer from the book that this is done by using the names of the enochian characters instead of the english pronounciation. For example, the first character in the system and begining of each side of the table, would be said as "Pa" and not as a "B". Is this correct? If so this seems to be the only time in a working one would use the name of the character.

2. When selecting a senior from a particular tablet, what criteria does one use to decide which one (there are 6 per tablet) to call? I know they have a planetary allignment, is this the deciding factor?

3. Do you agree with DuQuett's system that the first and second call should only be used when calling a name from the tablet of union? Other sources I've read indicate the first or second call should be used with every working.

4. Regarding the tablets: I understand how to derive the names from the table and navigate them, but I don't see how the tablet should be implemented during the working. I currently have a printed great table on my altar and plan to hand-draw each tablet.

5. Skrying. Here's the big one, I'd like to see if I'm on the right track. Skrying is something I've never been proficient at and has been an archele's heel for me. Enochian magic is forcing me to overcome this handicap. As far as I can tell, I am sucessfully calling the angels and can feel the energy but am having difficulty seing and hearing them. I seem to be making progress however, and last night's working (my third full working with DuQuett's meathod) has produced undeniable tangable results.

My technique is as follows: I am using a small, mostly clear quartz crystal about 2 inches in diameter placed above the siguel on the red silk. I also have a small black silk bag the crystal rests on as it seems to be a better background. I do the calls, etc, and then settle down gazing into the stone. As I do so, I repeat the name of the angel I am calling.

On my first working using DuQuett's meathod, I was calling a lesser angle and saw nothing in the stone but sensed a bright spirit above me. On my second working, I was calling a senior from the water tablet, and I could briefly see the outline of a face in the stone and could not keep in in sight. My third, calling the same senior, I could see the face for a while almost continuously. It's not a real clear image- it's grey and smokey and slightly distorted, and just clear enouph to establish there is a face but that's about it. I haven't been able to hear anything though. When I've asked questions, keeping my thoughts clear as possible, I can hear my own (mental) voice answering back short answers but it's certainly not the booming voice of an angel. Regardless, the answers seem to be correct.

So then, am I on the right track on this? Suggestions on how to improve this would be appreciated.

In any case, I am at this point certainly convinced of the potential and power in this system. Thanks in advance.

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