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Ruling Angels - source?

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:29 pm
by alienburrito
Not having read the source material - I';m not aware of wether they're there or not, or in the Golden Dawn enochian material.
THey are NOT however, in Crowley's Liber 84, the basis of OTO Enochian. From what i've been told, Liber 84 is basically a reader's digest version of Dee's Liber Scientae - covering at least the important material from dee's book.

Crowley's book DOES talk about the servient angels, refers to them as the 4 Mighty and Benevolent Angels. The Solar King also does not appear in Crowley. (I guess you've guessed by now that I'm using Crowley's instruction as my starting point).

So I guess I'm wondering if you've determined the source of the SOlar King and Ruling angels. I'm really curious. I'm guessing its not the Golden Dawn, because if i read correctly that was where Mathers and Crowley first learned their Enochian magick.