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Angel Instructions

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:37 am
by Fio Praeter Humanus
I have noticed a common theme coming from the enochian spirits in the form of advice and directives. Often outside of ritual I am encouraged and advised to "pray" and perform various religious type activities. I have received special messages that only said "To the faithful go the fruits." Or awoken with instructions to begin each day with a declaration of thanksgiving for that day.

I find these things to be odd as I am not a very religious type or regularly attend formal church service. Further I have never encountered these types of commands from traditional qabalah type angels which I work with frequently. Some of the archangels have been irritated that I was engaged in dealings with demonic type spirits but never a peep out of them that I should pray etc.

Has anyone else experienced these type of requests and commands from enochian workings? Why do you suppose this is and not from other traditional angels? I find it curious.