Unwanted Attention

General Enochian Discussion.

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Nosce Te Ipsum
Posts: 443

Unwanted Attention

Post#1 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:35 pm

This is going to be a wall of text. Sorry :?

When first learning the meaning of the 19/48 Calls, have any of you attracted the attention of something that felt very, for lack of a better word, non-Enochian? I spent yesterday writing down the calls in English and trying to memorize their meanings, and noticed more and more odd noises as I neared the end. I finally tossed out a "Well, my house is rarely -this- creaky, and -I'm- sure as hell not the one walking around, so if you want to make yourself known, do so by name, sign, or seal."

All I got was a feeling to go scry using my black mirror, which I did, and I saw little blue-ish purple flashes in the corner of my vision, a slightly longer one over the altar, and a fairly long one (several seconds) lingering around the mirror. The altar isn't set up for the Enochian system yet, though I do have a copy of the Seal of Truth on paper, and the black mirror I mentioned earlier. The mirror wasn't resting on the Seal of Truth during the scrying. I felt like I should use some of the wording from the Calls, and I tried (in English), but I butchered it -horribly-, which was somewhat alarming given the fact that I spent a good portion of the day working on them. What I said was "Move, therefore, and show yourself. Open the mysteries of your creation. Be friendly unto me, for I am a servant of the same our God, a true worshipper of the Highest." I realized this was a little different from the calls as soon as I said it. Looking back at it, it kind of makes more sense to me than the actual wording. Nothing showed up in the mirror, but a name came to mind. The name was "Nazazeel" (Nah-zah-zeal). I tried to get it to appear in the mirror, but no luck. I tried to get a seal, and it gave me one, but the seal feels like utter bullshit. I've had seals in the past where I felt like "Eh, it'll work, but it isn't the best", but this one felt like (and still feels like) an obvious fake.
"Learning to build a radio does not teach you about music theory." -raum215

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