Interesting Thoughts...

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Interesting Thoughts...

Post#1 » Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:55 pm

Last night as I was adding the kerubic and serviant angel names in enochian to my great table, I was struck with a couple things, which I thought at least some of you would like to hear about :p While meditating on the names as I wrote them out, a few specific EE's popped up to say very clear things as I worked thier names into the table.....

abalpt "i think i will stay right here"
arbiz "better say thank you"
(earth of earth subangle, for practical naming purposes)

This related to growth for me... the part of growth which is a strong foundation, like a mighty stone which cannot be penetrated. When the first angel said "i think i will stay right here" he was affirming to me at least, his place as earth of earth... when the next angel said "better say thank you" it felt to me as though this was the needed "water" which would enable the strong stone to become bigger and stronger, ever moving upwards, and never losing mass... kinda a ramble, but thats what i thought about it.

aiaoai "is saggg here?"
oiiit "is who here?"
(earth of air)
The question posed by the first angel, shook me out of trance momentarily, and upon a return to my state, the mental world of myself (the angel used first my real name, then my magickal name... not saggg) was firmly rooted in my mind. When the second angel asked the question of who, my mental view of myself was encouraged, from this foundation of strength, to grow and expand. I don't feel like im explaining this correctly, but again, its pretty subjective.

There was one more, but i'll only share it if theres some cool feedback, otherwise, why put all my cards down, huh? ;)
Any similar experience with the kerubic cross angels?

Mojuba maferefun Iya mi Osun ati mi baba, mojuba mope baba mi Esu! Ki kan masse alejos ati abures mi!

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