Enochian Hypercube Magick

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Enochian Hypercube Magick

Post#1 » Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:44 pm


To start off I will outline a cube of space. The cube of space, from the perspective of the center point of spirit, has fourteen cardinal directions.
(The order of directions is here random)

1. Up
2. Down
3. Forward
4. Behind
5. Left
6. Right

7. Behind/Down/Right
8. Behind/Down/Left
9. Behind/Up/Left
10. Behind/Up/Right
11. Forward/Down/Right
12. Forward/Down/Left
13. Forward/Up/Left
14. Forward/Up/Right

(simple 4D directions)

15. Within
16. Without

These directions have one 3D perspective (called objectivity (or: the subjective in particle form)) which exists as the spirit particle in stillness. However, they also have two contrasting perspective directions (directions in 4D), within and without.

When the point of spirit moves in any cardinal direction within the cube, it goes from a 3d cube to a 4d hypercube by means of its perspective movement (being within synthesizing being without) It is this perspective movement which generates the fourth dimension of time-space which is opposed to the cubed dimensions of space itself and in stillness of the spirit point, is viewed as (BEING) without.

These 16 points of space, move by means of a set of 12 cardinal lines which containing the within, from the perspective of without. (14 point cube (3d space/time from individual perspective) set within 12 lines which connect six square planes into 3 dimensions) These 12 cardinal lines within the sphere containing the cube of space (24 to the hypercube).

This cube of space has seven cardinal lines through which the perspective point of within can experience "movement/time".

1. Up/down
2. left/right
3. forward/behind
4. up left forward/down right behind
5. up right forward/ down left behind
6. down left forward/up right behind
7. down right forward/ up left behind

This, of course is only from the perspective of within. From the perspective of without there are the twelve cardinal lines which exist, and these are the cube lines, which contain the particle spirit while it has perceptual experience.

From the perspectives of within and without, there exists a holographic 3 dimensional point (spirit particle), where 3D and lower is within - and 3D and higher is without. The movement of the perception, or the one who is perceiving, from spirit point A, through the dimensionally objective reality of particle form, to a WILLED spirit point B, is the generation of a 4D hypercube as an etherized physical reality, relatively local to the point of perception.

Continuity of movement (by perception "the wormhole") through dimensional objectivity, is the actual 3D (non)physical structure (through the conduit of space/time) of an individual hypercube, which then relates to other perceptual points, on a scale of consciousness which spirals ever higher and ever lower in dimensional density through points of a megalithic hyper-dimensional structure, the "one" point of ultimate conscious perception (the god particle).


Is anybody here able to present an argument for the 3 sets of seven letters to apply to either the 14 points in the cube of space, or the seven points to the perspective of within?


Is anybody here able to present an argument for the twelve banner names residence within the lines of a 3D cube?

To create a hypercube ritual which expands perceptual awareness through the stimulation of a synthesis between within and without perspectives. Basically a ritual which could effectively amplify the third eye abilities of any willing individual.

My idea is to DE-randomize an "enochian hypercube" which can then be effected by use of the ritual. In the case that neither question has a good solution, perhaps application of UN-pronounceable names bearing consonant points can be used as a more structurally sound jump-off point.


Is anybody here aware of 7 letter, 14 letter, 16 letter, 24 letter or 32 letter names of god in enochian (which may suit the purpose of creating a sensory mutable/alternatable hypercube within a circle)?

:Thank You

...when someone says, “I am the only person who does initiations correctly.” From a traditional Ifa perspective there is no such thing as the correct way to do an initiation. The question is: how we do an initiation effectively?
~Fa`Lokun Fatunmbi

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