Golden Dawn Pathworking

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Magister Templi
Posts: 5121

Golden Dawn Pathworking

Post#1 » Tue May 24, 2016 3:25 pm

Why would you start your pathworking with Tau, the 32nd path of greatest fucking density, governed by Saturn?
I have personally known GD lodge members who unanimously get sick, their life falls apart, break-ups, one chap actually got Anal Cancer and lost his house (Hello, Saturn), literally lost his house. After beginning pathworking on the 32nd path.

Throughout the rest of the GD material, and other systems I might add (including Franz Bardon's PME) warn against starting Saturn work before visiting the Sphere of the Sun.

In addition, the Sword of Lightning, a GD technique, is followed down the Tree of Life like the lightning rod of a God, not fucking up it, climbing like a monkey out of Malkuth.

So why do they then, not only begin climbing the Paths from the bottom, but also, into the path of Saturn?
Why? Well to put it straight, they do it because they are morons who cannot think for themselves! Only if it is written in a fucking book by madman Mathers, degenerate Crowley or pansy-waist Regardie to they consider it "legitimate". Of course, they can't stop and ask their higher selves or HGA as that would be too advanced for their miniscule spiritual intellects to comprehend with any modicum of perspicacity.

The more I read of the original Golden Dawn's methods of working with the Paths on the tree of life, the more I begin to realise they were a bunch of masonic-wannabes who had not a fucking clue what they were doing.

They constantly do things rote without even bloody thinking them through, just because Mathers wrote it down 100 years ago, it must be true, of course.

Don't even get me started on the Rider-Waite tarot...Oh Gods...that atrocity
wrong and ugly. what a surprise coming from the Supreme Wankers of the Fin De Sicle :toss

I am beginning to think that if the Golden Dawn told its members to jump off a cliff, they would unthinkingly obey.
Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est

Wholesome Adept Extraordinaire

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