Kabbalah, Cabbalah, Qabbalah...There IS a difference!

Qabalah, Kabbalah, Cabala, Gematria, Tree of Life Path-working, and light Philosophical / Religious discourse.

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Kabbalah, Cabbalah, Qabbalah...There IS a difference!

Post#1 » Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:11 pm

Theres a huge misconception that these different spellings of something and that they are all one tradition. One who has looked below their Western Hermetic Approach knows full well that these are Semetic and ancient Jewish traditions that go back to Luria, Cordov. Even though we call them Jewish, they do not originate in Israel, many circles developed and gained momentum in the Rabbincial circles of Safed, with Luria and the Rabbis of the Zohar which were nomadic. Not to go to deep into the origins as these histories should be studied in depth, in order to do them any justice. The real importance and meat of my concern is the mix up in spelling, as it is an indication of what you know and what tradition you hold.

Kabbalah- Traditional Jewish and from the Rabbinical scholars. Examples of primary texts here are Zohar, Torah, Bahir, Yetzirah.
Do no underestimate the arcane and the Jewish mystical practices, they had their Magical brotherhoods and developed the same skills from conjuration, necromancy in Safedism, astrology, chiromancy, amulet construction, meditations, sigils, etc.
I'd even be willing to argue that they may be our oldest tie to the common practices of our Magickal societies of today. They are certainly supreme and ought to be explored and honored. I dearly invite someone interested in these matters to consult the book with an unassuming titled "Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism" by Gershom G. Scholem. Also do a close study of the Zohar, the Divine names ought to be understood, for our own welfare and in keeping with the owner of those Names.

Cabbalah- Typically associated with English phraseology and Latin, sometimes known as Christian Cabbalah.

Qabbalah-Western Mystery tradition, most extensively studied by Orders such as the Golden Dawn, OTO, and Freemasonry. This I believe is the most extensive and has its draw backs, because so many groups tend to superimpose what they want all correspondents. I may be biased, but I tend to take the G.D. system as being the most trusted, as far as the Esoteric and Occult tradition. There are a lot of interesting Astrological, Tarot, and Alchemical correspondents that are considered legitimate and many find consensus on. They also seem to tie back closer to the Divine names used often in the Zohar/Torah/Bahir and other primary texts that honor the Rabbinical Kabbalah.

Most of this is coming off the top of my head, if you have any detailed questions, please let me know. Welcome


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