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Looking for a quick sense of direction

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 1:18 am
by Angelus
I have just recently began studying the Qabalah. I find it fascinating and for some reason I cant quite seem to get enough of it. Ive been buying and reading books as fast as I can, and recently started to practice.

Ive started out by doing prayer/meditation/skrying of each of the sephiroth. Spending 1 month per sephiroth.

I was hoping I could get some suggestions on books and more literature.

Currently I have read

Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune
Qabalah: Magical Primer by John Bonner
Simplified Qabala Magic by Ted Andrews

And Im currently reading

The Chicken Qabalah by LMD
Garden of Pomegranates by Regardie

Also, please let me know if Im on the right track. I understand how each of the sephiroth can be used to help align and teach us according to the virtue and vices at each sephiroth. Furthering your knowledge, understanding, and ascension towards God.

Would I be right to assume that as far as practical magic goes. One could scry to the sephiroth that corresponds to something you need change in. Then by the usage of the 4 worlds while in the sephiroth, go about to bring change you need?

For example, if I am having trouble with a friendship, and need the person to be honest with me. Would I goto Hod (vice is honesty) Vibrate the name of God, call upon the archangel, the choir angels, all the while meditating on my desired effect?

Im very new to this subject so forgive my ignorance so far. Most of the books I have read seem to just repeat the descriptions of each sephiroth, but dont seem to delve very far in "HOW" to use any of what you just read.

:Thank You