Steel/carbon correspondence

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Gordon Finn
Adeptus Minor
Posts: 880

Steel/carbon correspondence

Post#1 » Thu May 28, 2009 7:51 pm

I was going about my day at work when another piece of metal presents itself for me to acquire, only this time I didn't ask for a piece of metal specifically. It's steel and surprisingly, it's disk shape. It's one of those pop out circles you get with electrical boxes. It's small, about an inch in diameter. Last time, it was a small copper cylinder I needed, so I could make a talisman for a spirit less than a week ago.

Steel's iron mixed with a little carbon. Iron is a grounder of magick/energy, which makes it a protective/offensive piece. Both iron and steel are attributed to mars, so I'm thinking some mars/mars-related spirit/current provided it. At the moment, the specific spirit hasn't made it's identity known, so I'm just gonna wait to see what else pops up and be careful.

However, it's the carbon parts that makes me wonder. Given it's importance to organic life on this planet, it makes me think of it having a sun correspondence. With the ratio of iron to carbon, it makes me think of steel as a sun attribute within a mars context. However, I'm not quite sure. I haven't done that much with steel. What do you guys think?

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