Sloppy Magic(k)

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Sloppy Magic(k)

Post#1 » Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:28 pm

Why do people do sloppy magic(k)? Such as falling asleep during an operation, forgetting to give the License to Depart, forgetting to banish/give leave to a particular quarter, etc. etc. If magic(k) works at all (and we all here seem to think so) then why be so sloppy about it? If a particular spirit can cause such and such or a particular symbol produces a particular effect usually in our favour then it follows that they can and also do work contrarily. Now I don't think the question is something like Ceremonial vs Freestyle Magic(k) but aren't there/shouldn't there be certain components familiar to both? Also, are standards being set to high or low or not at all by the practitioner involved?

One objection is that not everything is out to get us one hundred and ten percent of the time (although most practitioners think so) even if it is a Goetic or some other 'nasty'. Another objection is input = output so if I don't give enough the worse that could happen is X...maybe, maybe not. And so on, so forth. I'm maybe only half-ranting here however I do think this question is important has merit and true relevance. Thoughts appreciated. :)

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