Law of attraction, what is the limit ?

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Law of attraction, what is the limit ?

Post#1 » Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:58 am

Hi everyone,

According to the movie “The Secret”, there is no limit of what you can ask. « Your wish is my command » and every wish is answered if you visualize it and give a good positive thinking about it.

Yes, but ….and the « but », is not a skeptic « but » but more a general questioning when laws of the Universe conflict.

Ok, let me explain.

Everyone knows the law of gravity. So what happens if my wish, which is a command in the catalog of the Universe, is to fly from jumping from a top of a building ? As much as I want and believe in it, it seems to me that the law of gravity will have a play in the matter, and I will end up flat as a pancake at the foot of the building .... or am I mistaken ?

What happened if I miss a leg or an arm and I wish for a new arm or leg to grow, will it grow again ?

What if I miss some teeth, will they start growing again ? (some scientist have apparently found a way to grow teeth …, so that does not seem so impossible)

What if I have a deformed foot or hand, will it straighten up, if I ask the Universe ?

Any thought ? I wanted to ask these questions on The Secret’s site, but funny enough, the contact is just for technical matters with the film or the website …. Shame it has not got a contact mail for such query …

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