Egregore creation

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Egregore creation

Post#1 » Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:46 pm

I know that a while ago we all participated in the summoning of an elemental king, Ghob and it seemed to be a success, now I was curious (credit given to Hitman for his idea of a group construct on his site) if we wanted to create another one for a specific purpose. I would suggest this one be given the task of seeing what the Vatican truly has since all my attempts to scry the place have backfired, (one leading to a bloody nose and a headache for several days). I would suggest this constructs element be air or Neptune since both deal with the magically facilities of clairvoyance. If we wanted to continue we could ask it what happens in 2012 ( yes I am well aware of the controversy, but the Mayans just believed that it was the start of a new great cycle so I am think not much but my scry ability I will admit is a bit sub par and it seems to end at that date) my guess is that some of rules governing magic change a little and not much but it would be fun to find out. If anyone is interested let me know cause I think it sounds like fun.

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