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Question regarding KyCHGA and Headless/bornless rite

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:42 pm
by barserek
Hey guys, I've been reading a lot lately and a lot of authors recommend doing the bornless/headless rite as a sort of "first step" to get empowerement and starting communacating with your HGA. (I'm reading seven spheres by RO and some books by Jason Miller, also Chaos protocols by Gordon White).

Yet they also say that it basically screws up your life, and destroys everything you have in order to be "reborn" and start again.

I would really like to go ahead with the rite as it seems like an important step in your magickal career. I want to use magick to improve my life and do good, and am fascinated with the occult and would love to get KyC with my HGA.

But the thing is, I kind of like my life at the moment. I've got a good job, a nice apartment, just finished my studies, I have a beautiful family. I have people who depend on me, and I need to provide for them, and it seems selfish and irresponsible for me to maybe throw everything away for this.

In your experience, is the rite really that bad, did it screw up your life? Or is it more of a "spiritual" death/rebirth? Is it overly exaggerated on purpose? Did it affect your loved ones?

Thanks for your insight!