Long Running Unintentional Magic Life Themes

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1616

Long Running Unintentional Magic Life Themes

Post#1 » Sun Nov 29, 2020 5:31 am

I'm just curious if others have experienced long running themes in their life and how they think of it. Especially those we recognize with surprise or seem unintentional/unconscious.

Short running themes I typically notice in hindsight and they don't always seem to jive immediately (or at face value) with whatever I was intentionally working on or with. Usually it's a sideways thing, likely something I personally needed to work on in order to do the work I aimed at.

I've been noticing last few years for me the "side quests" are fewer and fewer. An example of "side quest" for me is usually a striking series of unfortunate events that land me in a situation I cannot help but deal with something in a satisfactory way. Doesn't let me ignore it and there may be several attempts at solutions before resolution. Typically it's work to do with a character or personality flaw I was ignoring or wasn't conscious of.

My main life theme though, it seems, is Justice. Very long running, I don't need to share all the stories but it's becoming more and more striking and I suppose the word is powerful as time goes on. Even unintentionally my work will have an underlying aim at it that is not always noticeable when happening but apparent in hindsight especially when analyzing results and how they played out - if I know the details.

Curious as to others' experiences and their own interpretations.
Live lightly.

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