Ethics of trapping spirits in boxes

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Ethics of trapping spirits in boxes

Post#1 » Mon Jan 30, 2023 3:52 am

In some cultures, problem spirits are trapped in containers (boxes, jugs, bottles, etc) as part of exorcism. This has been popularized by the dybbuk box trend but of course predates it and is found in various places.

I am soft-hearted and feel sorry for a spirit being trapped indefinitely in a box even if it was malicious and needed to go for the greater good.

Does anyone know what happens to a spirit when it is trapped in a box, and how does it experience it? For instance, does it just shut down and wait patiently, or does it experience pain, boredom, etc, like a person in solitary confinement? Or since it is usually much older than people, is the amount of time in the box insignificant to it, or maybe it experiences time differently and doesn't care?

I guess maybe it is different for different types of spirits.

(By "trapped", I mean a spirit which is imprisoned, not just a bound item or a spirit item being looked after.)

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