"Avatar", the Movie- Is Me and You

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"Avatar", the Movie- Is Me and You

Post#1 » Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:58 pm

The Gnostic implications of this film-

Envision a video game of the future… not just first person… not just “virtual”…

Let’s say that there may be the development of a ‘game’ in the future where we are neurologically connected with a manufactured biological entity which is specific to that world.

Let’s say that while you are controlling the ‘character’ (avatar)… your ‘true’ body is sensory deprived whilst connected by sensors to the character… in turn, you get so involved that you are only aware of your ‘avatar’ self.

What if you were allowed to play the game, but at the cost of temporarily ‘forgetting’ your actual life or true self, etc?

One thing is for certain. You would probably notice some patterns in the environmental or biological environment.

For instance, you may notice (if allowed to explore/discover this world in depth) that the laws governing your biology were very similar to that of the structured software which may be related to the structured integration between the governing of synopses or other devices hinging between you and the creature.

On the flip side, the case for intelligent design in our reality is starting to become more and more compelling.

Dr. Steven Meyers headed a research project in which he employed an ex-Microsoft program architect to aid in biological research having to do with gene sequencing. After about a month of working closely with the molecular structure and function of the human genome… the programmer came in and plopped a college programming logic book down on the Dr.’s desk and said… “Someone discovered these processes long before we did!" (referring to the absolute similarities between programming logic vs. living biological sequencing of information)

RNA read/write speeds are faster than any DVD/CD player/writer.

Neurological processing leaves even solid state quantum computing in the dust.

The amount of information contained in one DNA strand leads one to wonder… who made life, why… and am I participating in some grand experiment or game?

Perhaps we are the Avatars.

This would make the Gnostic view true. This would make the references in so many myths and religions true (yet, fresh and perceivably plausible.)

So, perhaps the “aliens” (like greys, etc) are us.

Our handlers come in from time to time to make adjustments (abductions).

Or taking DMT allowing those to see the handlers as little ‘self-transforming machine elves’ whilst the mind is “tuned” to the real frequency.

In the Book of Enoch there is mention of: “Watchers”… “Devices” … “Portals”… etc.

In essence, if Cameron wasn’t purposefully angling at some aspect of Gnosticism or Buddhism it is a HUGE coincidence.

And it HAS to make you think, regardless.

Perhaps our waking life is a twinkling in our “true self’s” eye..

A true Self who is, willing or not, a participant in a ‘test’? 'Right of passage’? ‘Leisurely entertainment’? Or perhaps even ‘Prisoner’

If our bodies are limited expressions for a higher self (which has been alluded by every spirituality)… the philosophical question becomes:

By our free will… or under some controlled hierarchy?

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