9 Months of Work Towards the K&C with my HGA.

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9 Months of Work Towards the K&C with my HGA.

Post#1 » Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:02 am

Hello all.

Starting in September I will have a period of 9 months that I will be seperating before going into my standard 9 month portal period. This first 9 months I want to prepare for the Invocation of my HGA. I want to be fully aware of it's presence while it is taking place, I want to be aware of it's entire essence, and being, not only after I have employed a ritual, but during. I want to dedicate this 9 months of free time (no job, no school, no huge obligations) to approach the Knowledge and Conversation With My Holy Guardian Angel.

My question to you guys is, how would you approach it? How have you approached it, for those who have attempted it? What did you do in preperation, and what did you do during? What types of furnishings did you/would you use?

Right now I have a (very) rough lay out. I will be, for the most part, following Liber VIII, but with variations owing to my association with the Golden Dawn tradition, in place of Thelema. This currently includes:

- Liber Pyradmidos (Self-Initiation ritual) for the first day
- Daily adorations at 6:00am, noon, 6:00pm, and midnight. The Adoration To The Lord of The Universe
- The Bornless Ritual, once daily.
- Middle Pillar Ritual, once daily, at wake.
- Analysis of the Keyword
- Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentegram, daily. Spirit active, elements if needed.

The final week or two is exclusively dedicated to the operation of attaining the Knowledge and Conversations, assuming it doesn't take place prematurely, during the preperations. I have a good idea of how I am going to go about this, but don't have it all together yet, so I don't want to share right now. And I might not want to even when I do get it together. ;)

Remember, this is going to be commenced in September, so I have plenty of time to decide on what should be carried out. All comments will be recognized, and any ideas, and insight will be highley appreciated.

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