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Willful Magic

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:22 pm
by redd30
I do a lot of magic that focuses on pressing a strong desire into my subconscious. What I've started to consider is that I should spend a lot of time working directly with my subconscious. By first being able to generate psychosomatic effects within myself. Like a yawn or the sensation of heat, cold. etc. Spend equal time on physical responses then learning to willfully summon emotion of various strengths.

By learning to freely communicate a conscious intent I should/could be able to do all my magic through sheer will. Just instead of directing the command internally I direct it outward. Sigil magic without the sigils. I figure that if I can allocate a strong emotion with the correct intent I could will it to happen. I done this a few times and it works but kind of sloppy do to lack of intentional con/sub-conscious communication skills.

I use sigils as a focal point so that I can put a lot of my mental energy behind the intent. Doing this and learning to freely communicate (conscious/subconscious) should be a good mix, until I feel ready to practice more direct magic, I've been reading this site and it has inspired me.

Any thoughts on this concept would be appreciated.