Opinions on Donald Tyson

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2721

Opinions on Donald Tyson

Post#1 » Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:00 pm

Just curious about opinions about this guy. I was posting on the thread about Lilith and his name came up.

When I was first getting into Enochian, his beginners book was a wonderful technical primer and is still to this day on my shelf as an easily accessible enochian reference (especially when my eyes are bloodshot and bugged out from readng Dee's scribble). I am a huge fan of his Madimi font that he created for that book.

I am not such a big fan of his apocalyptic slant, and I think this sort of attitude he takes is what gets him a not so good wrap in the community, but I am not completely sure what others have to say about him.

I think he gets the same prejudice as Duquette gets. Somebody is being successful and publishing books that express an opinion we as practical magicians may not jive with, and all the shit hits the fan about the guy.

Liber Lilith is another shining example of Tyson firing on all cylinders. In general, even his opinions that I cannot swallow and don't agree with, he remains in my mind a clear thinking and organized practitioner, and a genuinely dedicated scholar.

Any thoughts?

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