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Post#1 » Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:29 am


This is a picture I took a while back and as I was looking at my camera I seen these little white circles all around him. I was shocked and amaze about this, and no my camera is very clean so it was not dirt spots on the lens. This was the day when it was my Fathers Birth day. Needless to say my Father is a Monk, I have so many questions. I took the picture out side in our garouge.

What are these white spheres? I mean I heard many of times they're some thing called Orbs..

Are they Orbs, Ghost, entities, spirits ect....?
Why are they particular surrounding my brother? I mean I did take pictures of every body else that day.

Could they be the spirits of J.R.R.Tolkiens Elves? I mean my brother is like deeply bossed with them and he believes in them deeply as he thinks he could be one. Now let me remind you he is not a fan of Metaphysics, Parapsychology, spiritualism and what not. I mean many people believe J.R.R. received information from these type of Elves from an unexplained way. Problem in our type of area, and that the Eleven awareness is starting to awaken. Maybe they came to visit him, who knows;)

But yeah I would like to read the comments you guys have to offer.

Oh yeah, Like two weeks ago. Me and my Family went to the Wat a.k.a The Temple of Buddha and it was amazingly fun like all ways. We prayed and meditated there a whole lot. It was probably over 200 people there. A lot of monks and yeah. So when I got home from that lovingly party that we attend me and my sister went through the pictures and beside the buddha statue there was this big I mean Massive White sphere :eek: and on the side was a second one. I couldn't believe my eyes, I mean we all ways see normal sized ones. I wished I could show you guys the size of it, but some one had to touch my camera and delete it I was so pissed I mean cause I really wanted to show you guys. Could that "Massive White Sphere" be buddha? I think it was:cool:

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