Experimental: Laguz Potion

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Daniel of Windsor
Posts: 262

Experimental: Laguz Potion

Post#1 » Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:31 am

Ok cool, so I made my first potion-spell this morning! So why is my neighbors Black Cat guarding my house, just sitting on the driveway? Da Fuq?

It's just another "strange but true" moment that seems to be goings-on in these hours. It must be a witch-thing or some other goofy bad cliché?

Well, after blunderously failing to win the Lottery with Sigil Magic, Candle Magic, Spells, Divinations, Visualizations and Summons of various sorts, I had to run a self-diagnostic of both myself and the universe. Funny how it works really, I did it all correctly, but it seems that the operating system of the universe is being run by something that doesn't seem to agree with me and what I'm trying to do. That points been made clear enough to me, it can follow through with all my years workings, probably still is in fact, but it seems as though I "launched the rocket without having a landing platform" so to speak. I made it happen, now I need to make a way for it all to land safely upon me. Until then, it may as well be floating in orbit?

So what care package does it send me? A Small Twig the shape of a rune known as Laguz. Not the first time I've received or even known of the fact that runes grow on trees, it's actually in my belief the source of Runic Magic itself, being of a Solar Nature of Attributes interwoven with Chaos of Fractal Structuring. Simply put in blander terms, Yggdrasil but in real life as the actual trees themselves, and the sun being the source of its energies, sort of. I came across this when I began carving wands, staffs, and other wooden tools by asking the trees to grow them for me. Takes a few years to make it happen, but eventually they drop the items for you, and that's when I learned how the trees grow magical items, and the runes via sticks and sometimes entire braches. Sometimes, I'll even walk into a forest and find runes scattered all over the forest floor along paths and clearings. Cool stuff actually! The forests really are magically alive.

During my recent self-diagnostics, I had the pleasant accident of visualizing the "Wiccan" God and Goddess in an interesting way, substituting their typical descriptions with that of Anime Characters from an anime I was recently watching and greatly enjoying. After exchanging energy with them (and more so particularly the Goddess) and realizing how effective it was (helping me to realize how my body was reacting to that, I learned that a healing period is needed for myself), I came across another idea. The idea was simple, pick another character, attribute it to another aspect of the universe that wasn't a God or Goddess or otherwise common spirit, and seek its assistance. So afterwards having done so, I went for a walk, where at some point the Laguz Twig found its way under my shoe and "walked its way into my house", where I later found it this morning at my feet before my living room couch.

It's actually quite appropriate that Laguz would flow to me in this way, using my body as the riverbanks, and my walking journey as the flowing river. It's actually "the god's way" of guiding me to the "next depth" of the way I visualized contact with them, to go deeper and more mystically with less ego and desires. I think the answers to what I need, are deep within, and so using Laguz in a way like I used Sigil Magic, manifesting the powers of the symbol this time internally instead of externally, that I may learn of the ways in which to resolve all the magicks already done this 2015 year that are just waiting to be able to come to me, once I am properly prepared to receive them, that is....

So as to why it became a bottled liquid potion, my first one, I don't know, it just happened. In fact, it's been weeks in the happening, as the tools needed to make it had to be quested-for by attending several city events as a participant. Guided to them yes, knowingly walking into a life lesson, not likely. So here I was, Mortar and Pestle (purchased no less from a Norse Mythology Expert at an educational event! I'm still giggling inside at how apt that was...) just grinding away on instinct, impulse, and intuition. Perfectly Unplanned and Fully Provided for, yup I'm a tool.

Ingredients and Instructions:

* One Laguz Twig, finely grounded.
* Two 1/4 Teaspoons of Mediterranean Sea Salt Fine, finely grounded.
* Twelve Sprigs of Saffron, finely grounded.
* Two Cups of Hot Water, temperature as you would for making tea.

With your Mortar and Pestle, first grind the Laguz Twig, this will take about an hour to do. Then when fine with some small fibers acceptable, add in the Salt and Saffron, and grind until fine to very fine. Pour dry mix into a container (I had a used Soy Sauce Bottle washed and saved for such an occasion should it ever have happened!), and add heated water. Shake well.

I will be first exploring usage as a "Holy Water" of sorts, applying the water to my finger and then drawing the Laguz Rune on my forehead during visualization exercises. I already have experience making and using Blessed Moon Water to induce trance dreaming and astral travel, so for me this is going to be an experiment in potion-ingredients rather than how spiritual water effects the human spiritual body. I already know this is about to become one heck of a trip!
Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It's fair!

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