Love Spell Invoking Aphrodite

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Love Spell Invoking Aphrodite

Post#1 » Tue Jun 16, 2009 2:45 pm

(Preferably) when Luna is waxing, on Tuesday, start a purification period of three days, during which you should avoid sex, meat and heavy ritual work. If you wish, you can even dedicate this period solely to Aphrodite, with daily offerings of prayer, incense and candles at her altar. A temporary shrine such as a shoe box, covered in pink pillow case, decorated with roses and white or pink tea lights and taper candles would be good. In any case have a picture or statue of the Goddess on the altar.

On fourth day, which should be Friday, during the hour of Venus after a ritual bath or shower, light candles and also burn an offering of frankincense in a censer. Say over the rising smoke the Orphic hymn to Aphrodite, and then chant: "NEPHERIE'RI" (Neh-feh-ree-EH-ree) for 10-15 minutes, while imagining yourself with the man or woman whom you desire. See and feel yourself being happy with this person. Feel the currents of love, lust and affection flowing between both of you, enveloping you both in the aura of the spell. When you feel the power waning, you can close by thanking the Goddess. Let the candles and incense burn to end.

After the spell is finished you should be able to see the target person everyday during the next seven days, and while looking at him / her say in your mind "NEPHERIE'RI" (Neh-feh-ree-EH-ree) seven times. Each time you think the name, feel it gathering power in your spiritual heart, resonating with the Goddess, and flowing through your eyes into the heart and soul of the target person, making her a successful object of your occult fascination.

Do this on seven consecutive days (after which you should ask him / her out...)

The source is Greek Magical Papyri, I haven't tested this spell yet, but since I felt inspired to expand the instructions, I thought I'd share it with the forum in case someone is interested.

Aphrodite's Name, which becomes known to No One quickly, is NEPHERIE'RI [i.e. Nfr-iry.t, "the beautiful eye", an epithet for Aphrodite/Hathor] -- this is the Name. If you wish to win a Woman who is beautiful, be Pure for 3 days, make an offering of Frankincense, and call this Name over it. You approach the Woman and say it seven times in your Soul as you gaze at her, and in this way it will succeed. But do this for 7 days. [PGM IV.1265-74]

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