Simple 7 knob candle spell

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 508

Simple 7 knob candle spell

Post#1 » Sun Oct 03, 2010 3:08 pm

Requires only 3 objects:

7 knob candle
Magical oil for your purpose
Incense, general or specifically for your purpose

Candle colors to pick from:
Green - finances
Red - love and matters of Venus
Black - cursing, banishing, binding
White - spiritual matters

Magical oils are commonly available. Too many for me to list here. Ask if you want a recommendation for something specific.

Incense can be specifically tuned to your wish but an all-purpose one would be frankincense.

For drawing to you, dress the candle with the oil from the wick at the top, down to the bottom, to symbolically draw things to you.
To banish, decrease, or send things away, dress the candle from the bottom to the wick at the top.

Light the wick, and concentrate and visualize on your wish. When the first knob has burned, put the candle out. Repeat until the candle is used up.

If you do not already have a knob candle, I would suggest taking a regular taper and use a knife to notch it to make it into 7 knobs. I am a very practical witch, and I can't see if you're doing a spell for prosperity, for example, spending money for a more expensive candle. The real power here is in your visualization and energy and effort you put into this.
As a witch, she naturally didn't believe in any occult nonsense of any sort.

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