Plauge Bottle.

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1090

Plauge Bottle.

Post#1 » Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:09 pm

I have commented once or twice on my lovely co-worker who used to have the goal of getting my ass fired ((Well that took care of it self in a rather conveniant way)) however as all things are good; she managed to run out of vacation time and personal time months ago back in July Or August. Well last week she was told she could no longer miss work or she would be canned. This is all trivial up to this point cause now the fun starts.

She then proceeds to get sick and then purposely hacks and cough on everyone in order to get them sick. When she got me sick I had a lovely idea, why not turn it into my advantage. So I started collecting my phlehm that I kept hacking up and coughing up. This was done with the intention of creating either a magnet for disease or perhaps an offering to a goetic demon for any number of reason. So now I have a lovely bottle of diseased water that feels like a walking sore and I am curious if anyone else has any thoughts or idea's on how to use a "plauge bottle". It's a well sealed water bottle that's filled with just water, saliva, and plhegm/mucus.

I have my own thoughts on the subject one of which includes putting it next to a bottle of "everscrew" ((Nutmug and Everclear)) in the fridge and letting it "ferment" for a while; but I want to hear from some you guys about some of your own ideas. I have no intent on using it against this woman ((though the idea makes me grin)); because really something on this scale is not worth throwing away at some 40 year old bitter alcoholic who is literally one sick day from loosing her job and has already lost one apartment due to her inability to manage her money ((Yeah this is the same person who I did the Karmic Balance Bit 8 months ago)).

I am just curious about this on the theroretical wavelength.

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