The Most Powerful (or fill in___) Entity You Evoked?

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The Most Powerful (or fill in___) Entity You Evoked?

Post#1 » Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:11 pm

I listed this under Black Magick because my answer will fit here lol

What is the most 'Powerful' entity you evoked?

If not Powerful, then 'Made the biggest Impression'


Created the best Physical Manifestation.

Anything else, also, as this has the potential to be an awesome thread

I evoked Lucifer, which appeared as three spheres of Lux.
Was not Luminel, was Lucifer.
Not the 'satanic' Lucifer.
Was 'just' Lucifer.
Gnosis extraordinaire.
No Pacts formed.

Most destruction was Set.
My computer broke 3 times after that, light bulbs constantly popping.
Powerful kundalini surges, to the point of getting numbness and tingling on right side of my face.
He can cause Abortions (might be useful info to someone)

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